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BMS 409 Innovation and Enterprise
BMS 409
School of Business Management and Professional
Term 2
TITLE: Proposal
Completion of this work will satisfy the following learning outcomes from module:
LO2 Apply theories of innovation and idea generation to products, processes or services to develop an innovative idea.
LO3 Devise a proposal for an innovative product, process or service for a working organisation and produce an implementation plan.
TASK: BMS 409 Innovation and Enterprise
Identify an organisation that could benefit from an innovative idea. Using your knowledge of relevant theories on innovation and idea generation develop an innovative idea for the organisation relating to a product, process or service they offer. Use theories of innovation and idea generation researched to inform your ideas when developing an innovative idea (LO2).
Write a proposal for the business explaining how your idea would benefit them and how it could be successfully implemented. Explain why you think your idea is right for the business, how it will benefit the business and plan how it could be successfully implemented. Your proposal should include justification of the idea, marketing, target audience, costs and how it will be launched (LO3). Apply theories of innovation and idea generation to products, processes or services to develop an innovative idea
Other relevant assessment information
Your may focus upon your current workplace or one that you have worked for in the past (please show evidence of permission to use any relevant internal company documents as source material), or you may wish to discuss an organisation whose information is readily available and researchable in the public domain. You can choose an organisation from any sector you wish including business, sporting, tourism, technology or creative industries etc.
You will need to include and reference at least 10 different sources including 3 academic textbooks and 1 academic journal that help provide supporting evidence for any assertions that you make. For higher grades, you will need to incorporate academic theory relevant to the points you make (use real life examples from business that back up the theory). You must include both a reference list and bibliography with your proposal.
The completion of your work will satisfy 60% of the assessment weighting for this module and the size of your report needs to be 2000 words (+/- 10%)
Students will be encouraged to develop an understanding the skills associated with innovation and enterprise within the organisation and in particular show the ability to demonstrate:
MARKING CRITERIA: BMS 409 Innovation and Enterprise
Indicative Content
Grades for the report -
Your innovative idea should be based on your research into the benefits from innovation and the application of theories you have learnt within a business context.
Explain how your ideas would benefit your chosen business and how they could be successfully implemented, making links to research findings in the production of your plan
When producing your report you are expected to present your work in an appropriate format and structure using effective judgements to support your conclusions. You have to include relevant theories to support your commentary and a range of sources must be used and Harvard referenced.
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