School of Business, Management and Professional
Sales and Marketing BMS 403
Semester 2 (Tutor: Anand Walser)
TITLE: Marketing Plan
Completion of this work will satisfy the following learning outcomes from module BMS403:0
LO4 Develop a coherent marketing plan for a product or service provided by the organisation.
You have been asked to produce a coherent marketing plan for an organisation of your choice to enhance the marketing strategy for a product or service provided by the organisation. You will be required to be innovative in your approach to maximise opportunities to meet objectives. LO4 Develop a coherent marketing plan for a product or service provided by the organisation
Other relevant assessment information:
• You will need to include and reference at least 4 different sources including 2 academic textbooks, 1 academic journal to help provide supporting evidence for any assertions that you make within your presentation.
• Your marketing plan should be presented in a business professional format. Your plan should be no more than 1,000 words +or- 10%. All written work should be submitted online, through Turnitin, via Schoology. You must include both a reference list and bibliography.
The completion of your work will satisfy 25% of the assessment covering LO4 for the Principles of Marketing module.
Issue Date: 15/11/22
Submission Date: 14/02/2022
Feedback Date: 14/03/2022
The skills development opportunities identified in this assignment are
- Practice interpersonal skills by engaging with others during the class and provide evidence of comprehension of the theoretical underpinning within a business context
- Develop analytical skills by investigating case studies and examples of organisations that use market practice to underpin business examples
- Demonstrate effective communication of your ideas through the presentation of your marketing plan.
- Analyse facts and draw conclusions from your research to inform your marketing plan LO4 Develop a coherent marketing plan for a product or service provided by the organisation
Indicative Content
Marketing Plan
Students to write a 1,000 formal marketing plan.
Develop viable and coherent marketing plan to meet the needs of the customers for a specific product or service in your chosen business. Students will look at marketing strategies and utilise a number of techniques to design a marketing plan to meet organisation objectives.
This plan should directly link to the organisation’s strategy. The plan should show some form of customer analysis of data collection and how this could be used in the promotion of the new/old product or service.
Attribution of higher grades are associate with:
- evidence of good research and judgements made supported by business theory within all written work
- evidence of wide reading around topics to support conclusions drawn
- effective use of the Harvard referencing format good use of spelling, grammar and punctuation throughout all written work