5UIN Using Information in Human Resources Assignment Help

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5UIN Using Information in Human Resources

Executive Summary

The aim of this assignment is to assess the concept of the health and wellbeing of the employee by the help of secondary data and based on the overall analysis, recommendations have been made with the employee health and wellbeing plan. Workplace wellbeing relates to all levels of the working life, the safety and quality of the physical environment. This report provides the stakeholder analysis with the influence and interest of each stakeholder on the project. It is assessed from the secondary resources that technology enhances the employee wellbeing, and stress impact the health of the employee in negative way. There is enhance interest of employers in the wellbeing of the employees; therefore certain recommendations have been also provided. It is recommended that flexible working hours, free insurance and counselling service Company must provide to its employees to ensure the wellbeing.


Promotion of health in the workplaces complements the health measures as well as occupational safety as the part of the combined effort of the workers, employers as well as national authorities to enhance the health and well-being of employees. Workplace wellbeing relates to all levels of the working life, from the safety and quality of the physical environment, to how employees feel about their working environment, work as well as the climate at work organisation and work. In relation to this, CIPD is embarking on the long-term project on the wellbeing and health of the employees as well as thinks that HR has the major role to play in making the workplaces healthier.

Burberry is committed to delivering a healthy, safe environment for customers and employees as well as all those who work or visit on its premises (Burberryplc, 2020). Burberry is more adopting the concept of the health and wellbeing of the employee; therefore this report aims to include the stakeholder analysis to assess the interest of each stakeholder on the project. This report also covers the research methodology which shows the primary and secondary research method and on the basis of the secondary data, data analysis has been performed as well as graphical representation can also be performed. Moreover, conclusion and recommendations have been provided including the well-being plan.

Stakeholder Analysis

It is the process of recognising the individual before the project initiates; grouping them concerning to their participation level, influence, and interest in the project; as well as defining how best to communicate and include each of these stakeholder groups all through. Identification of stakeholder is vital for any project. Following is the list of the stakeholders to whom this report is addressing.

  • HR Manager
  • Employees
  • Users
  • Sponsor
  • Project Management Team
  • Finance department
  • Government

Above-mentioned key stakeholders are involved actively in the project and their interests might be affected as a result of project completion or project execution. The influence of each stakeholder on the project can be identified through the Power - Interest grid (Caniato et al., 2014).

High power, Interested People

These are fully engaged people and make the utmost efforts to content such as employees and the HR manager.

High power, Less Interested People

Place sufficient work in with these individuals to keep them contented such as government and finance department.

Low power, Interested People

Keep these individuals informed adequately as well as talk to them to make sure that no issue can be raised such as sponsors and project management team.

Low Power, Less Interested People

Monitor such individuals, but ensure that they do not bore with excessive communication such as users.

5UIN Using Information in Human Resources

Research Methodology

Primary data is gathered from the first-hand data whereas secondary data is gathered from the previous researches.

Primary Methods



Validity & Reliability

Online Survey

This survey is used because it is more convenient and might be sent on emails as well as might be filled out online. In addition, these are the only feasible method of assessing the wider data in large populations.


The validity of this method depends on asking questions which measure what research want to assess whereas reliability is associated with the consistency of measurement.


Face to face interview is performed which is the qualitative method; it is performed because it is a more personal approach and helps to gather better response.

The validity of the interview refers to whether questions of interview map to precise competencies whereas in order to ensure the interviewer reliability, all interviewers require using the interview questions which are intended this way.

Secondary Methods



Validity & Reliability

Published Data (Journal Articles)

This method is used because it is less time consuming and less expensive process as required data is easily accessible and does not cost much if also extracted from the authentic resources.

Validity and reliability are significant to any research design, and vital consideration with secondary data is the degree to which it relates to the research question as well as how reliably it might answer it.

Data Analysis

By the help of the primary data, the graph has been produced to analyse the data and assess the perception of the employees on the health and well-being of the workplace. The survey questions have been extracted from the annual CIPD survey to assess the issues of absence, well-being and health in the workplaces of the UK (Cipd.co.uk. , 2020). This data delivers valuable benchmarking data to assist the company to improve and evaluate their health and well-being practices. 

The above chart depicts that 40 per cent employees are agreed with the statement that employers focus more to manage the employee wellbeing and health, 25 per cent are strongly agreed whereas 30 per cent employees disagree and strongly disagreed with the statement, on the other hand, 5 per cent employees responded neutrally.

A question has been asked related to the impact of the technology on the wellbeing of the employees, 30 per cent employees are agreed and 35 per cent employees are strongly agreed that the technology boost and undermines the employee’s well-being. On the other hand, 25 per cent of employees have disagreed and 5 per cent employees are strongly disagreed with the statement whereas 5 per cent provide a neutral response.

This chart shows that 40 per cent employees agree with the statement and 45 per cent are strongly agree that they become absence due to the enhance stress in the workplace whereas 10 per cent employees disagree and 5 per cent strongly disagree with the statement.

On the basis of the analysis of these graphs, it is assessed that wellbeing of an employee is slowly creeping up the agenda of the corporate with more focus of the employers on the increasing number of the issues related to health in the attempt to be holistic. On the other hand, company vary significantly in how proactive and strategic they are and there is little focus on recognising as well as managing the main risk to the health of the people.

It is also anticipated that companies are making much progress than others in handling stress related to work as well as supporting good mental health (Cipd.co.uk. , 2020). Most of the employees are reported that stress-related absence has been enhanced in the firm; it means the organisation is not taking any step to tackle this issue.  However, managers have the confidence and skills needed to manage the health effects.

Technology has both negative and positive effects on the well-being of the employee. It has been revealed from the findings that technology serves as a double-edged sword, with the capability to both undermine and boosts the well-being of the employee.  It is the significant area where an employer requires getting underneath he culture skin and practices of working to comprehend what is driving the behaviour of the employees, for instance, the need of emails to stay in touch with the whole staff during the working hours (Cipd.co.uk. , 2020).

Guest (2017) sets out the alternative approach to the HRM provides priority to practices intended to increase the wellbeing as well as positively wellbeing of employment. The dominant models in the HRM theory, as well as research, continue to focus broadly on the ways to enhance performance with the concerns of employees. The analytical model suggested here builds on the in-depth study about the HR practices and policies which have been shown to serve as the antecedents of workers well-being and the positive employment relationship (Guest, 2017). It is also assessed that the emphasis on the employment relationship might help to promote the well-being aspects and to ensure that HR practises related to wellbeing do not become exploitative. In order to bring the employment relations and HRM closer together, the model builds on the expectations of exchange theory to suggest that high wellbeing of employee and the optimistic employment relationship will, in turn, have indirect and direct effects on the performance. However, it will attain this by their impact on the behaviour, motivation and employee attitudes.

The Broad model range, frameworks and theories have been involved to comprehend and illustrate the significance, maintenance and emergence of the employee well-being and employee engagement. Employee wellbeing continues to be essential to the work-study and the primary consideration for how companies might attain competitive advantage as well as sustainable and ethical work practices. The practice and science of the employee engagement, the key indicator of the employee wellness continue to evolve with on-going incremental modifications to present measures and models. Kalliath et al., (2012) aims to elaborate the Job Demands-Resources model of the work engagement by assessing how organisational, job level, as well as team factors, interconnect to influence well-being and engagement as well as downstream outcome variables, for instance, extra-role behaviour and affective commitment. The results of the study showed that beyond the establishment of resources of job level, team-level and organisational resources are the key motivational constructs that help illustrate how higher engagement levels, as well as wellbeing, might be created (Kalliath et al., 2012).

Demerouti et al., (2014) reported that development in communication and information technology has had a broad impact on the working life. Email is questionably the most predominant computer-mediated communication type in the company; however, the enhanced use of the devices of mobile in business has specified the experience of the email the new dimensions. Workers are anticipated to choose for themselves when they perform work (schedule flexibility), where they might work (telecommuting), as well as by which communication medium or tool (videoconference, email and smartphone) they work (Demerouti et al., 2014).

It has been assessed that workers who effectively detach from work all through the after-work hours experience the higher well-being and satisfaction levels as well as show the better performance (Demerouti et al., 2014). Ganster & Rosen, (2013) defines the work stress as the mechanism by which psychological experiences of workplace and demands (stressors) produce both long term and short term changes in physical and mental health. It is also assessed that employees reported the various outcomes related to the work stress such as psychological distress, anxiety and emotional exhaustion or the acute stress-related health complaints such as gastrointestinal problems, headache and fatigue (Ganster & Rosen, 2013).

5UIN Using Information in Human Resources


On the basis of the overall analysis the conclusion has been made and illustrated below in the form of bullet points:

  • It has been concluded that stress is one of the major cause in the organisation which leads to the absence. At one extent it is accurate because the style of management and heavy workloads are the major causes at work.
  • Findings show that the use of technology benefits the well-being of the facilitation of flexible working as well as allowing more operative communication. On other hand, everything has its own cons and pros; therefore the negative effect of the technology is the inability of the employees to switch off during the out of work hours as well as stress which results due to the fail of technology.
  • Various companies are taking steps to recognise and decrease stress at work and to manage the mental health of the employee; however, there are requirements to be the more organised approach to managing and preventing the psychological risk.
  • The Broad model range, frameworks and theories have been involved to comprehend and illustrate the significance, maintenance and emergence of the employee well-being and employee engagement.
  • It is reported that by the use of exchange theory, an organisation can outline the potential set of the HR practices probable to promote the well-being in the workplace as well as a positive employment relationship.


Based on the overall findings of research following are certain recommendations which company should follow to enhance the health and wellbeing of the employees.






Success Factors

Introduce flexible working hours as employees can adapt their schedule to manage their personal life (Allen et al., 2013).


Reduce employees stress

Loss of productivity

Management can introduce this policy by considering standard working hours

Lack of trust among employers and employees

Increase in motivation

Stress negatively affects the physical and mental health of employees; therefore it is recommended to introduce free/subsidised health insurance.


Health infrastructure and government assistance

Limitation of programme and poor service

Employers support the wellbeing of employees

Lack of interest of both employers and employees

Increase the wellbeing and physical health of employees

It is also recommended to provide counselling/ mental health services to employees as these will encourage the workers to discuss their issues and helps to overcome these problems (Ayoughi et al., 2012).

Relief from anxiety and depression and enhanced communication skills


Expensive and time-consuming

It can be possible by scheduling the dial activities

Social stigma, fear of emotion and self-esteem.

Enhanced workplace wellbeing and employee motivation

Following is the employee and health and wellbeing programme which company should adopt to enhance the wellbeing in the workplace. This plan can be introduced by HR and communicated by the help of manager to all employees in the workplace.

Employee Health and Well-being Plan




Time frame


To enhance employee well-being and reduce absenteeism rate by 20 per cent

Stress Management


11th Sep to 20th Sep


Adoption of the technology used to enhance employee’s health and wellbeing to 30 per cent

Introducing facilities of gym, female and male health checks and better equipment to deliver enhanced care 

HR and Managers

21st Sep to  25th Sep


To enhance employee engagement by 15 per cent by introducing health activities

Retirement planning, flexible working hours, physical exercise and other health activities

Management and HR Managers

26th Sep to 30th Sep



The gained skills and knowledge during this assignment I will transfer into the working practise by the critical consideration, as I have assessed that well-being and health of an employee is the critical factor for the success of an organisation; therefore, I will ensure to implement such initiatives which enhance the wellbeing in the workplace.  This assignment is beneficial for me in multiple ways particularly in the context of HR business practice. During this assignment, I have enhanced my practice and learning skills and learned that implication of the theories related to employee’s health and wellbeing must be incorporate in the firm for the competent outcomes and effective management.

Moreover, my previous understanding related to well-being and health helps me to better understand the relevant knowledge and its application in the organisation. The general process of learning includes the preparation, action and evaluation; therefore I will initially identify the organisational objectives and then transfer my knowledge into the practice according to the needs. I have assessed in this assignment that it is essential to provide flexible working hours for the engagement of employees as it also enhances the employee’ wellbeing and reduces the work-related stress.  However, I believed that these learning will help me in future in my working practices.


Allen, T.D.., Johnson, R.C.., Kiburz, K.M. & Shockley, K.M.., 2013. Work–family conflict and flexible work arrangements: Deconstructing flexibility. Personnel psychology, 66(2), pp.345-76.

Ayoughi, S.., Missmahl, I.., Weierstall, R. & Elbert, T., 2012. Provision of mental health services in resource-poor settings: a randomised trial comparing counselling with routine medical treatment in North Afghanistan (Mazar-e-Sharif). BMC psychiatr, p.1.

Burberryplc, 2020. Model Wellbeing Policy. [Online] ( ) Available at: https://www.burberryplc.com/content/burberry/corporate/en/responsibility/policies-and-commitments/people/model-wellbeing-policy.html [Accessed 9 September 2020].

Caniato, M.., Vaccari, M.., Visvanathan, C. & Zurbrügg, C., 2014. Using social network and stakeholder analysis to help evaluate infectious waste management: A step towards a holistic assessment. Waste Management, 34(5), pp.938-51.


Demerouti, E.., Derks, D.., Lieke, L. & Bakker, A.B., 2014. New ways of working: Impact on working conditions, work–family balance, and well-being. In The impact of ICT on quality of working life, pp.123-41.

Ganster, D.C. & Rosen, 2013. Work stress and employee health: A multidisciplinary review. Journal of management, 39(5), pp.1085-122.

Guest, D.E.., 2017. Human resource management and employee well‐being: Towards a new analytic framework.. Human resource management journal, 27(1), pp.22-38.

Kalliath, T.., Kalliath, P. & Albrecht, S.L., 2012. The influence of job, team and organizational level resources on employee well‐being, engagement, commitment and extra‐role performance. International Journal of Manpower.

5UIN Using Information in Human Resources

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