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Project Management approaches of Siemens AG
1). The assignment should be in report type.2). Report writing from consultant to company.3). Briefly provide background information about the organisation.4). Critically analyse how the organisation currently manages and coordinates projects to ensure the best possible outcomes.5). Evaluate how the organisation uses qualitative and quantitative data to support decision-making by project managers and/or project management offices. Demonstrate that Data Analytics on decision-making processes are highly efficient in project management.6). Make focused recommendations to enable the organisation to more effectively manage its projects in the future.7). Demonstrate an understanding of current Project Management approaches, including:(a) An awareness of traditional project management methodologies (PMBOK and Prince 2).(b) An appreciation of the project manager as a disturbance handler and problem solver.(c) Ensuring project process acts as a balance between managing risk, achieving sustainability and providing a vehicle of opportunity.8). Reflect on and critique their own experience in organisations.9). Appreciate the commercial and behavioural issues in the management of projects.10). Academic references should be from Online Academic Journals, Books and Articles.11). The writing should include in-text citations.12). References should attach with online URL sources if available.
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