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Customer Relations Management in Tourism and Hospitality (OTHM/05/03-L5DTHM)
Qualification Number: 601/5661/2
Credit Value: 20
Unit Reference Number : Y/507/0025
Unit Aims :
This unit provides learners with an understanding of the importance of customer relations in the tourism and hospitality industry. Learners will develop the ability to analyse the factors influencing excellence in customer service, including communication and teamwork, sales and promotion, consumer decision marking and the legal aspects of customer service. Learners will apply this knowledge in developing an understanding of the effective management of customer relations.
Learning Outcomes
Outline the principles of managing customer relations in tourism and hospitality businesses
Assessment Criteria: Customer Relations Management in Tourism and Hospitality (OTHM/05/03-L5DTHM)
1. Outline the principles of managing customer relations in tourism and hospitality businesses
2. Describe the nature of purchasing decisions, and be able to discuss the principles of effective customer relationship management in this context.
3. Discuss the importance of teamwork in the context of managing customer relations.
4. Identify legislation governing the customer interface.
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