LO 1 Critically evaluate the role of present and future technologies in the business environment

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Assignment Brief

Academic Year 2021-22

Module code and title:

BM 565 Digital Business & New Technologies

Module leader:


Assignment No. and type:

CW1 2000 Word Report ( Plus supporting evidence)

Assessment weighting:


Submission time and date:


Target feedback time and date:

3 weeks after submission deadline

Assignment task


Select an appropriate technological topic from the lecture series and write a 2,000-word report review on the themes, trends and arguments emerging about that topic. The topic is to be agreed with lecturer before detailed research on it has begun. This means a) needs to be completed and agreed first.

The report should include:

  1. Why you deem this topic to be of importance.
  2. How this has topic has developed
  3. A detailed description of the technology used in this topic and what it is used for.
  4. What technological platforms and software are used in the topic
  5. What type of business and organisation uses the technology
  6. How is it used as a business tool and is this effective? Approximately 45% of word count

How does this relate to course content and discussion on the nature of the relationship between digital technologies and both old and newly emerging theories on business and management structures and practices?

Approximately 55% of word count

The work should relate to theories and models set out in the course content and other referenced source material, and course material and include critical discussion of these from those sources. LO 1 Critically evaluate the role of present and future technologies in the business environment

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO 1

Critically evaluate the role of present and future technologies in the business environment

LO 2

Demonstrate an understanding of the significance of digital and new technologies in an ever- changing global business environment and the challenges these present to managers



Task requirements

  • Carry out all the assignment tasks in accordance with the instructions in this assignment brief and other supporting material.
  • Ensure that at least 80% of your referenced material is from module sources and material cited in these sources.
  • The use of other sources must be relevant to the module and the assignment and fully justified in its use.
  • Ensure that that your answers to the tasks are coherent and specifically relate to the tasks and that they demonstrate critical and correct applications of justified sources.
  • The word count excludes charts, tables, and other supporting material
  • LO 1 Critically evaluate the role of present and future technologies in the business environment


Referencing and research requirements

Please reference your work according to the [Harvard style as defined in Cite Them Right Online (http://www.citethemrightonline.com). This information is also available in book form: Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2019) Cite them right: the essential reference guide. 11th edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Copies are available via the University library.


How your work will be assessed

Your work will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning outcomes for this assignment (see below) and against other key criteria, as defined in the University’s institutional grading descriptors. A proportion of your marks will also depend upon your use of academic referencing conventions and as per the instructions in the task requirements. This assignment will be marked according to the grading descriptors for Level 6. LO 1 Critically evaluate the role of present and future technologies in the business environment


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