Critical review of the literature giving detailed examples of where within industry Lean and 6s have been applied, the strategies followed when implementing, the benefits achieved and whether there are any lessons to be learned.

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Lean Operations and Six Sigma

Module Leader:

Insert Name.

Assignment number/title:

Assignment 2 Case Company

Academic contact for guidance:


Insert name and email address.

Maximum word count or number of pages:


2000 per student

Percentage contribution to overall module mark:



Deadline for submission:


10/01/2022 (15:00hrs)

Method and Location for Submission:


Blackboard submission plus Turnitin

Insert Details of Other.

Deadline for return of feedback:


Module learning outcomes to be assessed:

  • Select, explain and reflect upon core lean principles and techniques.
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge and application of lean principles and six sigma tools and techniques to streamline selected businesses.
  • Critically review recent developments in lean thinking, best practices and case studies.


References/recommended reading: APA

Camp, R. B. (2013). Sustainable lean: the story of a cultural transformation. CRC Press.

Cox, I., Gaudard, M. A., & Stephens, M. L. (2016). Visual six sigma: making data analysis lean. John Wiley & Sons.

Pande, P., Neuman, R. and Cavanagh, R., (2000). The Six Sigma Way. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Rother, M. and Shook, J., (2003). Learning To See. Kbh.: Dansk Industri.

Roos, D., Womack, J. and Jones, D., (2014). The Machine That Changed The World: Free Press.

Please ensure that all sources of information used are referenced. For guidance see

All assessments are subject to SHU`s collusion and plagiarism regulations.  Please refer to:

Sections 2 and 3 of this assignment are to be completed as a group of three.

One member of the group will individually complete Task 1, and as a group complete Tasks 2 and 3.

The second member of the group will individually complete Task 4, and as a group complete Tasks 2 and 3.

The third member of the group will individually complete Task 5, and as a group complete Tasks 2 and 3.

Task 1

Person A

Task 2

Person A, B & C

Task 3

Person A, B & C

Task 4

Person B

Task 5

Person C

The Tasks

You have been employed as a consultant to implement Lean and 6s within a local SME.

The case company details will be provided separately.

You have just less than two months to consider all the available material.  After which you are required to produce a written document detailing the options the manager should consider.


1) Critical review of the literature giving detailed examples of where within industry Lean and 6s have been applied, the strategies followed when implementing, the benefits achieved and whether there are any lessons to be learned.

This is an individual task.

2) Create current and future state Value Stream Maps (VSM).

To be completed in pairs.

3) Relating back to your future state VSM propose approaches which can feasibly be considered when implementing lean and 6s manufacturing principles within the case company.  Stating where the most benefit would be gained.  While documenting your implementation plan are there any tools and techniques which you would not implement; either immediately, within the year or indeed at any time?

To be completed in pairs.

4) Being able to sustain the improvements implemented through Lean-6sigma initiatives is challenging. Discuss, with reference to the literature, how you would ensure that any changes implemented within the case company are sustainable in the long term.

This is an individual task.

5) By the time you read this assignment the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26 will have been and gone and this year’s University’s Big Read 2021 will have been released; How to Save Our Planet: the Facts by Professor Mark Maslin, an important book for anyone who wants to learn more about the climate emergency and what action we can take.

With the increasing awareness of needing to reduce emissions, you are required to critically analyse and discuss, with reference to the literature, whether all of the tools available to a practitioner of Lean 6 Sigma remain valid or whether some tools should be avoided or replaced. In essence, is Lean 6 sigma compatible with and still relevant with being Green? In light of your findings, is there any part of the case study’s business which should be changed?


If you wish to read the book; How to Save Our Planet: the Facts by Professor Mark Maslin, you may collect one, free of charge, from outside 4129, Sheaf Building.

This is an individual task

Conditions of Assessment

  • This assignment is worth 50% of the total assessment load.
  • It is expected that some of the information which you consider necessary to complete this assignment has been omitted and as such you will need to make a number of assumptions.  State all of the assumptions you have made in completing this assignment.
  • Your work should be appropriately and correctly referenced using the APA standard as recognised within the University.  If you are unclear of how to reference your work, please seek guidance from the Study Skills Centre.
  • For sections 1, 4 and 5 you are EACH expected to write 1500 words ±10% excluding the list of references.
  • As a group you may also write up to 1500 words ±10% excluding the list of references for section 3.
  • Late submission will result in a zero or capped mark being awarded in common with standard university regulations.
  • On the front-page state which student has completed each part.
  • I will assume that all parties will have contributed equally to the joint submission unless you notify us, in writing using the Group contribution form, BEFORE the submission date.
  • Ideally, you should select a partner from within your tutorial group.
  • You do not need to tell me who your partner is before you submit. However, if you require assistance in forming a pair then please let me know ASAP so that a list of students whom would like assistance in finding a partner can be collated.


Student A’s Name:

Student B’s Name:

Student C’s Name:



Student A’s Number:

Student B’s Number:

Student C’s Number:


Overall Mark:


Criterion and Weighting









(100 to 70%)

(69 to 60%)

(59 to 50%)

(49 to 0%)




Task 1: 50%, individual

Creation of your own table based on analysis of the literature, including a critical discussion of the validity of the table.

Excellent knowledge and understanding evidenced by some clear independent insight and critical awareness of relevant concepts some of which are at the forefront of the discipline

Critical discussion of many varied examples which may include a table of applications from a published source.

Limited discussion of example applications given but lacks detail.

Only one or two examples with little analysis.

The student only evidences an understanding of small subset of the taught concepts and techniques; fails to make sufficient links between known concepts and facts





Critical discussion of the literature giving detailed examples of where Lean has been applied, the strategies followed when implementing, the benefits achieved and whether there are any lessons to be learned.





















Task 2: 25%, pair

Indicates what and where changes are required. Redesigns the process incorporating appropriate Lean tools and techniques.

Original and redesigned VSMs incorporating Lean tools and techniques with very minor errors or omissions.

Some mistakes but largely appropriate symbols are used.

Little evidence of understanding the concepts.





Create current and future state Value Stream Maps.























Task 3: 25%, pair

Critical discussion of which tools and techniques should and should not be implemented with appropriate justification for both. The difficulty of implementing. The benefits of implementing and an appropriate schedule should be included.

An appropriate schedule is presented but with little discussion of the difficulties of implementing and the benefits likely to be gained presented with appropriate reasoning and references.

Schedule provided but justification is lacking. Some tools have been considered together with where they could be applied. Implementation schedule, weightings given for each activity.

Inappropriate schedule or tools and techniques.




Propose approaches which can feasibly be considered when implementing lean and 6s manufacturing principles within the case company.  Stating where the most benefit would be gained.  While documenting your implementation plan are there any tools and techniques which you would not implement?



















Task 4: 50%, individual

As merit, plus...

Fully justified rational with examples presented. Excellent knowledge and understanding evidenced by some clear independent insight and critical awareness of relevant concepts some of which are at the forefront of the discipline

Explicit examples from other businesses / industries stating how, where and when the system you are proposing has been implemented.

A plan is presented stating how you would approach the challenge of maintaining any improvements made.

Some tools / suggestions are stated but with little reference to the literature.

The student only evidences an understanding of small subset of the taught concepts and techniques; fails to make sufficient links between known concepts and facts




Maintaining improvements made is challenging. Discuss, with reference to the literature, how you would ensure that any changes implemented are sustainable in the long term.



















Task 5: 50%, individual

As merit, plus...

Fully justified rational with examples presented. Propose ways in which the tools need to be adapted. Excellent knowledge and understanding evidenced by some clear independent insight and critical awareness of relevant concepts some of which are at the forefront of the discipline

Explicit examples from the literature, businesses / industries stating how, which of the tools remain relevant and why.

Some examples from the literature, businesses / industries stating how, which of the tools remain relevant and why

Some tools / suggestions are stated but with little reference to the literature.

The student only evidences an understanding of small subset of the taught concepts and techniques; fails to make sufficient links between known concepts and facts




Critically analyse and discuss, with reference to the literature, whether all of the tools available to a practitioner of Lean 6 Sigma remain valid or whether some tools should be avoided or replaced.






















Level 7: Generic grade descriptor: relationship of grades of achievement to percentage mark ranges and categorical grades (CG)



General Characteristics




Exceptional Distinction

Exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding evidenced by own independent insight and critical awareness of relevant literature and concepts at the forefront of the discipline; evidence of extensive and appropriate independent inquiry operating with advanced concepts, methods and techniques to solve problems in unfamiliar contexts; Cogent arguments and explanations are consistently provided using a range of media demonstrating an ability to communicate effectively in a variety of formats using a sophisticated level of the English language in an eloquent and professional manner to both technical and non-technical audiences; a sustained academic approach to all aspects of the tasks is evidenced; academic work extends boundaries of the disciplines and is beyond expectation of the level and may achieve publishable or commercial standard.



High Distinction

Excellent knowledge and understanding evidenced by some clear independent insight and critical awareness of relevant concepts some of which are at the forefront of the discipline; evidence of appropriate independent inquiry operating with core concepts, methods and techniques to solve complex problems in mostly familiar contexts; Arguments and explanations are provided that is well-supported by the literature and in some cases uses a range of media demonstrating an ability to communicate effectively in a limited number of formats using own style that is suited to both technical and non-technical audiences; a sustained academic approach to most aspects of the tasks is evidenced; one or more aspects of the academic work is beyond the prescribed range and evidences a competent understanding of all of the relevant taught content.

Mid Distinction

Low Distinction



High Merit

Very good knowledge and understanding is evidenced as the student is typically able to independently relate taught facts/concepts together some of which are at the forefront of the discipline; evidence of some competent independent inquiry operating with core concepts, methods and techniques to solve familiar problems; Arguments and explanations are provided that are typically supported by the literature and in some cases may challenge some received wisdoms; competently uses all taught media and communication methods to communicate effectively in a familiar settings; an academically rigorous approach applied to some aspects of the tasks is evidenced; some beyond the prescribed range, may rely on set sources to advance work/direct arguments; demonstrates autonomy in approach to learning.

Mid Merit

Low Merit



High Pass

Satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the area of study balanced towards the descriptive rather than critical or analytical and mostly confined to concepts that are not at the forefront of the discipline; evidence of some independent reading and research to advance work and inform arguments and approaches; Arguments and explanations are limited in range and depth although some are adequately supported by the literature albeit descriptively rather than critically; competently uses at least one taught media and communication method to communicate appropriately in familiar settings; although the approach applied to some aspects of the tasks may lack academic rigour, there are some clear areas of competence within the prescribed range. Relies on set sources to advance work/direct arguments and communicated in a way which shows clarity but structure may not always be coherent.

Mid Pass

Low Pass





Borderline Fail

Knowledge and understanding is insufficient as the student only evidences an understanding of small subset of the taught concepts and techniques; fails to make sufficient links between known concepts and facts to adequately solve relevant aspects of the brief/problem; little ability to independently select and evaluate reading/research with almost total reliance on set sources and unsubstantiated arguments/methods; communication/presentation may be competent in places but fails to demonstrate structure, clarity and/or focus; inability to adequately define problems and make reasoned judgements; the general approach to tasks lacks rigor and competence.

Mid Fail

Low Fail



Very Low Fail

Knowledge and understanding is highly insufficient as the student is unable to evidence any meaningful understanding of taught concepts or methods; very limited evidence of reading and research to advance work; inadequate technical and practical skills as the student is unable to use and apply such skills to address problems or make judgements; limited or lack of understanding of the boundaries of the discipline and does not question received wisdom; approach to learning lacks autonomy and approach to tasks is not sustained; inability to communicate coherently.



Work not submitted, work of no merit, penalty in some misconduct cases.

     Group contribution form

Please complete this form individually.  

Every group member is required to complete a contribution form before the group assignment deadline. If you choose not to complete a form, you will forfeit your opportunity to provide insight into the contributions of your group (including your own contribution) at the stage when the forms are considered.

Your contribution forms will be considered carefully by the lecturer and the module’s moderator. Your own indication of your own contribution will be taken into account along with the forms from your peers. As well as this contribution form, contributions may also be determined through the following method: Interview. This second method will be used if there is not a clear enough picture from the contribution sheets alone.

You ideally all contributed the same. Marks for the assignment will be adjusted according to the departmental approach if there is clear evidence that at least one student has not contributed as much as the rest of the group. If there is clear evidence, the contribution forms will be used to determine how much less a group member has contributed and their group mark will be adjusted by a standard amount. When filling in the contribution form, take into account the size / complexity of the tasks carried out by each group member.

If someone has done more work than the others, marks will not be increased to reflect this. However, group size and the number of students contributing to an assessment will be taken into account. Expectations will be adjusted based on this. 

Note that contribution is more than attending meetings. Each group member needed to contribute to the work that was produced. It is possible for someone to gain a mark of 0 even if they have attended meetings and classes if it is clear they haven’t contributed to the work submitted by the team.

If you have any concerns about how the marks are awarded, please talk to the lecturer. Note that, like all marks, marks are provisional until they have been through an assessment board. Note that we cannot disclose how we have dealt with the marks of other students as it’s confidential to each student.


Q1) How many people were in your group (including yourself)? ______

Q2) Who were the members of your group?

Your name


Other group members

Member A



Member B



Member C


Q3) Do you think everyone in your group should obtain the same mark?

Yes / No


Q4) Briefly explain why (you can refer to the second measure of contribution if appropriate):


Q5) Select the response that best describes the contribution of each group member



Equal to or higher than the average contribution in the group

About 25% less than the average contribution in the group

About 50% less than the average contribution in the group

About 75% less than the average contribution in the group

No contribution or no useful contribution







Member A






Member B






Member C






Further evidence

Q6) Consider the contribution that you and the other group members made to the group work.  Give each person in your group (including yourself) a score for each of the criteria below.  You should award a score of 0 for no contribution, 1 for a contribution below the average, 2 for a contribution which was about the same as other group members and 3 for a group contribution which was above the average.



Member A

Member B

Member C

Member D

***Include 4-6 criteria specific to your assessment - e.g activities such as researching the topic, calculations, drawings, writing code, writing the report, etc**






***Include 4-6 criteria specific to your assessment***






***Include 4-6 criteria specific to your assessment***






***Include 4-6 criteria specific to your assessment***






***Include 4-6 criteria specific to your assessment***






***Include 4-6 criteria specific to your assessment***






Useful contributions to meetings and discussions






Organising the work






Providing ideas and influencing decisions






Providing support and encouragement






Preparing the final assessment output






Proofreading / checking






Doing a fair share of the work












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