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MSc International Business International Entrepreneurship Sep 2021
BMG936 CRN13607
This module focuses on the growth and development process of the firm from start-up to multinationality. The theories underpinning the module are grounded in entrepreneurship and internationalisation emphasising process and development. Students will be offered the opportunity to develop international entrepreneurship skill-sets that extend across processes and decisions relating to international opportunity recognition, business start-up, and commercialisation, planning for rapid international growth and the rapid internationalisation process, furthering their personal global citizenship journey.
The literature identifies three major barriers to the internationalisation of entrepreneurial firms: lack of foreign market knowledge, limited human and financial resources, and inherent weaknesses in management. In many countries, developing the entrepreneurial capabilities of firms and management teams is a significant public policy objective. Given the potential contributions of small entrepreneurial firms to economic development and export led growth, an international context and focus is highly appropriate. K1 Demonstrate knowledge of the factors, which influence entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviour in an international context.
The aim of the module is to lead students towards an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the international growth and development process of firms from their inception through to maturity as established international firms, with the emphasis on the early stages of international development for new venture and young, often born-global firms. Conventional internationalisation theory is challenged through discussion of rapidly internationalising firms, international new ventures and the born-global phenomenon. The course focuses on key concepts and theories underpinning international entrepreneurship, and how these are applied in practice. In addition, students are encouraged to draw on a wide range of intellectual resources, theoretical perspectives, and practical applications to illuminate and reflect upon their learning in the context of international entrepreneurship, born globals and international new ventures.
Learning outcomes are stated explicitly in the Course Document, and summarized below. On successful completion of this module students will:
K1 Demonstrate knowledge of the factors, which influence entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviour in an international context.
K2 Understand the nature of Born Global/International New Venture internationalisation, and the emerging theories/concepts underpinning this phenomenon
K3 Comment authoritatively on how (international) entrepreneurial behaviour can be used to improve the competitive advantage of small firms.
I1 Identify, analyse and synthesise materials from primary and secondary sources that assist in the understanding of International Entrepreneurship.
I2 Construct and defend a reasoned argument in class presentations.
I3 Take a creative approach to studying topics in International Entrepreneurship, including thinking and reflecting around entrepreneurial issues and solving problems
I4 Develop their learning through the cross fertilisation of ideas from their own and others’ experiences (peer to peer learning)
P1 Apply knowledge of International Entrepreneurship, Born Globals and International New Ventures processes and practice creatively to problem solving situations.
P2 Recognise and utilise their own and others contributions in-group processes.
P3 Participate in academic, ethical and value discussions that develop from International Entrepreneurship topics studied
P4 Complete written assignments in a way that demonstrates
systematic information gathering, accuracy, critical reflection on arguments presented, as well as detailed Harvard referencing in written assignments.
T1 Demonstrate an ability to research, synthesize and evaluate comple (international) issues systematically and creatively.
T2 Demonstrate proficiency in written and oral communication
T3 Demonstrate an ability to take responsibility for the development of knowledge of International Entrepreneurship, and skill-sets with regar international entrepreneurship.
T4 Demonstrate an ability to learn through critical reflection on International Entrepreneurship, theory, practice and future scenarios
Demonstrate an ability to learn and enhance personal effectiveness and self-confidence through feedback from both tutors and peers.
100% coursework
Course work 1- Case Study on an International Entrepreneur. (30%) PART A: Analysing the International Entrepreneur
Each student will develop a case study on an international entrepreneur from a country of their choice with a specific focus (see list below eg technology). Therefore, if you choose technology entrepreneurship, you will find an international entrepreneur who is a technology entrepreneur also).
1000 words maximum excluding references.
Each student will then identify the main International Entrepreneurship theme/s emerging from the case study and see how the focal international entrepreneur and his/her firm confirm/disconfirm the relevant International Entrepreneurship literature. 500 words maximum excluding references.
(A+B Total 1500 words)
Indicative topics include:
Students should display competence in K1, K2, K3, K4, I3, I4, P1, P2, P3, P4, T1,T2, T3 and T4
Course work 2-Literature Review (70%)
Each student will prepare and submit a written assignment based on a detailed investigation of a particular International) Entrepreneurship topic (See below). This assignment requires each student to undertake a critical literature review of their allocated topic –indicative (but not exhaustive) and identify and synthesize the key issues and themes emerging (maximum 2000 words).
(See Carter, S., & Jones-Evans, D. (2012) Indicative areas include:
Please note the Chapter indicated above should form the basis of your assignment and you should research your topic beyond the scope of the Chapter.
Both course works should be submitted as one with a cover sheet via the UK Turnitin link in Blackboard.
Submission Guidelines:
Assessment will be based on the Department’s assessment criteria guidelines for qualitative work; these are included in your Student Handbook.
You should aim to produce work which:
· Demonstrates evidence of reading a wide range of appropriate supplementary sources (including appropriate referencing);
· Has a logical structure, including clarity and consistency of discussiThe assignment must be submitted as directed. K1 Demonstrate knowledge of the factors, which influence entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviour in an international context.
Failure to do this may result in you failing this aspect of the coursework unless evidence of extenuating circumstances is submitted in writing to the Academic Registry. This complies with Faculty policy on late submission of course work. Please see student handbook for notes on extenuating circumstances.
No marks will be given out over the phone or by email and registry will give out the marks
Formative feedback on the report will be available in class in seminars in weeks 9, 10 and 11.
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