To achieve a Merit in GD2 you should show sound research that enables you to make very good use of relevant facts and details around the growth in awareness and treatment of mental illnesses.
There should be some attempt to use your research on key texts to explain the key arguments around the medicalisation of mental health and offer some kind of evaluation of how sociologists explain this.
To achieve a Merit in GD7 your writing should be well structured (paragraphing) with minimal spelling, punctuation and grammar issues.
Your work should show some of the main relevant sources, referenced appropriately and include a bibliography.
To achieve a Distinction in GD2 you should show sound research that enables you to make excellent use of key ideas and concepts, relevant facts and relevant details around the growth in awareness and treatment of mental illnesses.
There should be a clear attempt to use your research using key texts to explain the crucial arguments around the medicalisation of mental health and offer a detailed evaluation of how sociologists explain this.
To achieve a Distinction in GD7 your answers should be excellently structured with minimal spelling, punctuation and grammar issues.
Your work should show all the relevant key sources, properly referenced with a detailed and well-set out bibliography.