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Celta Assignment
Complete Both Stages A & B
Pay attention to parts written in Red to Focus
Assessment Criteria
1. noting their own teaching strengths and weaknesses in different situations in light of feedback from learners, teachers and teacher educators
2. identifying which ELT areas of knowledge and skills they need further development in
3. describing in a specific way how they might develop their ELT knowledge and skills beyond the course
4. using written language that is clear, accurate and appropriate to the task
In this assignment, you are expected to demonstrate and develop your ability to:
This assignment requires you to reflect in some detail on your experience of the classroom (both teaching and learning) over TPs 1-6. Please address all sections.
Word limit: 1000 words
Stage 1 - Strengths and Weaknesses
Please write your assignment in the template provided (approx. 600 words)
Stage 2 - Summary and Action Plan
Please write your assignment in the template provided (approx. 400 words)
Before submitting the final version of your assignment, please proof-read carefully. (Criterion 4)
The Assignment
The assignment must be written in continuous prose. Please use the following template to write your assignment. You can delete the prompts but you should address them all.
Stage 1
Strengths (evidence and impact on the learners)
Strength #1: “Good rapport with the students.”
Evidence (from TP _1__):
Evidence (from TP __2_):
Impact on the learners: (required)
Strength #2: “Nice context-setting”
Evidence (from TP _4__):
Evidence (from TP _6__):
Strength #3: “ Feed Back”
Weaknesses (evidence and impact on the learners)
Weakness #1: “Time management”
Evidence (from TP __5_):
Weakness #2: “Language modelling and grading”
Evidence (from TP _6_):
Evidence (from TP _4_):
Weakness #3: “Monitoring”
Evidence (from TP ___):
Practical Solutions (one or two for each previously identified weakness)
For weakness #1: (required)
For weakness #2: (required)
For weakness #3: (required)
Word count (max. 600):
Stage 2
Some ideas for post course development
Use methodology books to research a particular approach, e.g. Task-based learning
Continue to develop your own language awareness using grammar books
Organise peer observations or watch more filmed lessons
Attend workshops, conferences and teaching development sessions
Attend a training course
Evaluate your own teaching by filming and recording your lessons or keeping a journal
Read ELT journals, e.g. English Teaching Professional
Further development
Summary of things learnt. Make specific references to lessons you have seen as well as lesson you have taught. Refer to the following areas:
Classroom management:
Lesson planning:
Materials preparation:
The learners:
Plans for post-course development
Word count (max.600):
Plagiarism Report
Title page
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