Critically evaluate own work-based experiences of business and management topics and themes through consultation with placement host, identifying a research topic and question(s)

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Assessment Brief 

Module Level:


Module Code:

HRMM082 AUT 23-24

Credit Value:


Module Name:

Major Project (Placement) 

Module Leader:



Assessment Code:


Assessment Type:


Assessment Deliverable(s) as stated in the Module Specification:

“Individual video presentation of project proposal (10 minutes).”

Weighting (%):


Submission dates:

Sunday 12th May 2024

(Resit due: Friday 12th July 2024)

Feedback and Grades due:

Tuesday 11th June 2024

Please read the whole assessment brief before starting work on the Assessment Task.

Assessment Task Guidance Description

Learning Outcomes aligned to this assessment:

On successful completion of the assessment, you will be able to:

a) Critically evaluate own work-based experiences of business and management topics and themes through consultation with placement host, identifying a research topic and question(s) and

g) Critically reflect upon preferences and experiences in the context of personal, professional and career development.

The Assessment Task summary

You are to create a 10-minute video presentation of the research proposal for your feature article, with an accompanying Word document which contains your written script (what you say in your video), your research plan and all cited references.  Focusing on your placement organisation and providing evidence of consultation with your placement organisation, your research proposal should present and justify your investigation of a specific issue/ topic in your workplace and reflect on why this topic is of particular interest or relevance to you.


You must:

a) use video to present yourself talking about your proposal.  Submit your recording following the instructions on NILE and

b) submit a separate Word file that shows the verbatim transcript of your video, your research plan (as a table or similar) and full reference list.

You will be submitting TWO files at the same submission point.


Please follow these headings for your video proposal:

1) Title – what is the working title of your work-based project?  Make sure your title conveys what you propose your project will do.  This will use at least one action verb.  Your title should be no more than 20 words.

2) Introduction and Research Context – address each of the following areas:

a) Briefly introduce yourself and then outline the proposal’s structure.

b) What is the organisational setting for / context of your project? Organisation type/sector? Number of employees? Geographical location?  ‘Set the scene’ for your reader so they understand the context you are working in and the setting for your project.  Do not name your organisation.

c) What steps have you taken to consult with your organisation?  Who are the key stakeholders you consulted with, and why were they important?

d) As a result of the consultation(s) with your organisation, what issue or problem will your work-based project examine?  What is your project about or trying to achieve?

e) Why are you interested in the chosen issue and topic?  Critically reflect upon how the issue / topic interacts with your own personal, professional and career development. 

f) What are the aim and objectives of your project?

g) What research question(s) does your project aim to answer?

h) (Where appropriate) What hypothesis/es will your research test?

3) Research Rationale – Why is this topic important for your organisation to know more about?  What is the rationale and/or literary justification for your topic choice?

This section should be indicative. You need to identify the landmark studies in your topic area and describe how these relate to the issue/ topic you intend to look at in your own organisational context.  You are not expected to have thoroughly read and absorbed all the books and papers you discuss, but you will obviously need to know what the current trends, ideas and/or discussions within the literature are.

4) Methodology – You must cover each of the 10 points below:

  1. What research paradigm does your research belong to?
  2. How has this informed your choice of methodology, or procedures?
  3. How has this informed your choice of research methods or tools?
  4. Who/where are you generating/gathering data from? (Population and study sample)
  5. How many people are you generating/gathering data from? (sample size)
  6. How will you choose the people you are gathering/generating data from? What criteria will you use? (selection of sample)
  7. How will you collect/gather your data? Why? Where? When?
  8. In consideration of ethics, what ethical and practical considerations do you need to be aware of in relation to:

a) work-based research in general, and

b) specific issues arising from your own workplace? 

How do you plan to address these?

  1. How will you secure consent from your participants (if applicable)?
  2. What analytical procedure(s) and tools will you use to analyse your data? Why?

5) Research Plan / Schedule – allowing for slippage time, provide a detailed step-by-step plan of the key stages of your research project, including your individual supervision time.  You may wish to show these key milestones on a Gantt chart.

6) Reference List

Time Limits (where appropriate)

The length of your video presentation must be between 9 and 11 minutes.

In accordance with the Assessment and Feedback Policy, as stated in section 4.40 where a submission exceeds the stipulated time limit by more than 10%, the submission will only be marked up to and including the additional 10%.  Anything over this will not be included in the final grade for the assessment item.  Abstracts, bibliographies, reference lists, appendices and footnotes are excluded from any word limit requirements.

In line with section 4.41 of the same Policy, where a submission is notably under the time limit, the full submission will be marked on the extent to which the learning objectives have been met.

Use of Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) within this assessment:

Some uses of Generative AI may deemed as unethical in your assessment. Further guidance on the conditions for allowable use of Generative AI will be given by the module team.

Please access the following position guidance from University of Northampton on the use of Generative AI within assessments.

Assessment Submission

To submit your work electronically, please go to the ‘Assessment and submission’ area on the NILE site and use the relevant submission point to upload the assignment deliverable. The deadline for this is 11.59pm (UK local time) on the date of submission. Please note that Essays and text-based reports should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents (.doc or .docx), or as guided within the assignment. Please access the following guide to submitting assessments.

Written work submitted to Turnitin will be subject to anti-plagiarism detection software. Turnitin checks student work for possible textual matches against internet available resources and its own proprietary database. Please access the University of Northampton’s Plagiarism Avoidance Course (UNPAC) to learn more.

When you upload your work correctly to Turnitin you will receive a receipt which is your record and proof of submission. If your assessment is not submitted to Turnitin, rather than a receipt, you will see a green banner at the top of the screen that denotes successful submission.

N.B Work emailed directly to your tutor will not be marked.


Your grade will depend on the extent to which you meet these learning outcomes in the way relevant for this assessment. You will be assessed on your ability to successfully address specified module learning outcomes, with marks allocated based on what is called a grading rubric.

The rubric is a table which has different statements for how well each learning outcome has been met, and is used as a standard benchmark so that all assignments are marked equally against. Please see the grading rubric on NILE, or see the final page of this document for further details of the criteria against which you will be assessed, presented in the grading rubric.

Further Assessment Guidance:

Please access the following document for more general information about the assessment process, including anonymous marking, submissions, and where to find feedback and grades.

2023 UON Standard Assessment Guidance.

Marking Rubric for HRMM082 PS1 (video presentation)


No Submission / No Evidence





Learning Objective A1 Critically evaluate own work-based experiences of business and management topics and themes through consultation with placement host. (30%)

Work submitted is of no academic value/ Nothing presented.

No/minimal evaluation of own work-based experiences of business and management topics/themes is present, and/or no/minimal evidence of consultation with the placement host.

Acceptable evaluation of own work-based experiences of business and management topics/themes is present, with some evidence of consultation with the placement host.

Good evaluation of own work-based experiences of business and management topics/themes is present, with clear evidence of consultation with the placement host.

Excellent evaluation of own work-based experiences of business and management topics/themes is present, with clear evidence of meaningful consultation with the placement host.

Learning Objective A2 Identify a suitable research topic and question(s) and propose a suitable methodology. (40%)

Work submitted is of no academic value/ Nothing presented.

The student has not identified/there is minimal identification of a relevant topic and/or the research question is absent or has no connection with the consultation and/or the research methodology is inappropriate or unsuitable.

The student has identified a research topic and designed a research question which loosely comes from the consultation.  The research methodology is appropriate but may be poorly defined or lack detail.

The student has identified a relevant research topic and designed a good research question which emerges from the consultation.  The research methodology is appropriate with a good level of detail.

The student has identified a meaningful research topic and designed a robust research question which clearly emerges from the consultation.  The research methodology is appropriate with an excellent level of detail.

Learning Objective G Critically reflect upon preferences and experiences in the context of personal, professional and career development.


Work submitted is of no academic value/ Nothing presented.

No/minimal evidence of reflective practice in the proposal and/or the connection between reflective practice and personal, professional and career development is absent/minimal. 

Some evidence of reflective practice in the proposal although the connection between reflective practice and personal, professional and career development is minimal. 

Good evidence of reflective practice in the proposal and a model of reflection may have been used.  The connection between reflective practice and personal, professional and career development is clear.

Excellent evidence of reflective practice in the proposal and a model of reflection has been used.  The connection between reflective practice and personal, professional and career development is strong.

Academic/ Professional Quality (10%)

Absent or poor command of academic / professional conventions appropriate to the discipline

Unsatisfactory command of academic / professional conventions appropriate to the discipline.  In the context of this assessment, this may mean: the project plan lacks thought and coherence, timelines are either unrealistic or unclear; the video length was more or less than 10% of the time permitted; inappropriate presentation method and/ or content and/ or delivery.

Satisfactory command of academic / professional conventions appropriate to the discipline.  In the context of this assessment, this may mean: the project plan is broadly acceptable but lacks some detail; the video length was within 10% of the time permitted; most of the content was appropriately presented although lacked some detail in places.

Sound command of academic / professional conventions sufficient and appropriate to the discipline.

Authoritative command of academic / professional conventions appropriate to the discipline.

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