Unit 18: Innovation and Improvement through Action Research

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Unit 18: Innovation and Improvement through Action Research

Assignment Brief

Student Name/ID Number


Unit Number and Title

Unit 18: Innovation and Improvement through Action Research

Academic Year

2023 – 2024

Module Leader


Unit Tutor


Assignment Title

‘Care standards as a framework for healthcare practice’ In what ways do standards improve care? Why do standards improve care? Do standards improve care?



Issue Date

W/C 08/04/2024

Formative Submission

Week 3: 28/04/2024 by using formative submission link on the Turnitin.

Week 6: 19/05/2024 by using formative submission link on the Turnitin.

Submission Date

09/06/2024 @23:59 by using the summative submission link on the Turnitin.

Submission Format

This Assignment addresses the chosen theme as specified by Pearson:

‘Care standards as a framework for healthcare practice’

The assignment consists of two parts.

  • PART A: Action Research Proposal – 1000 words

PART B: Action Research Project Dissertation- 3500 words

  • Submission format: Report

The total word count for this assignment is 4500 words, you will not be penalized for going over.

Note: You should attach a signed and dated GBS Student Declaration form. https://moodle.globalbanking.ac.uk/mod/resource/view.php?id=62652

You should not insert your work within a boarder. You should not insert your work within a boarder. Poor Academic Practice and Academic Misconduct will not be tolerated.

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Review the role of research in health and wellbeing improvement strategies.

LO2 Develop a methodological framework for action research in health and wellbeing improvement.

LO3 Carry out action research towards improvements in health and wellbeing.

LO4 Examine the impact of research findings with regard to service improvement and own professional development       .

Transferable skills and competencies developed

The aim of this unit is to develop student’s research skills further to be able to carry out an independent piece of action research using human participants to contribute to service improvement. Students will firstly develop a deeper understanding of the types of research conducted in public health and develop their research skills further to carry out a research study using their own research questions. Students will then go on to design their research methodology and carry out a piece of action research and produce findings to a range of audiences. By the end of this unit students will be able to evaluate their research journey and its impact on their own practice and provision as well as its significance in contributing to wider public health service improvement. Students will be able to evaluate the success of their research and make recommendations for future research that extends or deepens understanding further.

Vocational scenario

Caring Ltd is a small local domiciliary care agency, based in a semi-rural part of Sussex. The organization is a preferred provider of the local authority, which accounts for 30% of the business; the remaining 70% is made up of private packages. Most of the packages are for older people with a variety of conditions, including dementia, physical disabilities, Stoke and Parkinson’s. There are also packages for younger service users with multiple sclerosis and learning disabilities.

The team consists of the registered manager, deputy manager, two care coordinators and 15 carers. You are working as a deputy manager in this care setting and responsible for planning and delivering training, including induction, health and safety, equality, safeguarding, stroke awareness and dementia training. The care coordinators also deliver training in communication skills, record-keeping and infection control. Moving and handling training and first aid training are delivered by external training providers.

Prior to the Care Certificate the organization delivered the induction following the common induction standards (CIS). Staff who were responsible for the delivery of the CIS went on a one- day training course to help them understand the requirements of the Care Certificate so they could plan how the organization would then deliver it.

Alana, 19 years old is new to care, she plans to go to university next year to become a nurse. She is available to work full-time until she starts her course, and then continue to work part-time whilst studying. Following her interview with Caring Ltd, it is clear she has the right attitude and presents herself as caring. While Alana is waiting for her DBS to come back, she is keen to prepare for her new role. She is given a copy of the organizational handbook to familiarize herself with, which includes best practice and core policies. While working as a deputy manager in Caring ltd, you need to develop a small-scale action research to analyse the importance of care standards in the trainings for new staff so that they will understand the importance of person centred care and quality services towards service users and for performance management within care setting.

 Assignment activity and guidance

Research projects are those with clearly defined objectives. A key skill in defining research objectives is the ability to identify and state research problems.

This could be in the form of a question, followed by stating the research objectives that will address the research questions relating to the theme:

‘Care standards as a framework for healthcare practice’

Research Proposal Process- To do this.

1: You should choose one topic from the following 5 care certificate standards set out with the collaboration by Skills for Care and Skills for Health and Health Education England.

  • Duty of care
  • Infection prevention and control
  • Handling information
  • Safeguarding children
  • Your personal development

2: Define the research objectives.

3: Collate and present a Research Proposal along with the Ethical Approval Form

Submission PART A: ACTION RESEARCH PROPOSAL: (1000 words)

Using the research proposal template, submit a word-processed Research Proposal based on one of the topics above on your chosen organization and addresses the Pearson set theme ‘Care standards as a framework for healthcare practice.’

  1. Your proposal should not exceed 1000 words.
  2. Includes the Ethics form.
  3. Ensure your research topic, objectives, and research question(s) are clear and precise.

Find below the link to the proposal form on Moodle.


Please use the Proposal form and the Ethics form as specified and see that it is signed by your tutor and you.

This needs to be submitted in the formative submission for review and approval by the tutor. After the approval of project proposal, learner will start


Submission Procedure

  • Submit a Research Project that includes your chosen organization and addresses the Pearson set theme ‘Care standards as a framework for healthcare practice.’
  • Your Report should not exceed 3500 words; however, you will not be penalized for excess words.
  • Ensure your topic, research objective, research question is clear and precise.
  • Ensure you address the specified scenario, presenting your proposal in the context of your chosen organization.
  • Please ensure your dissertation is presented in the prescribed format specified below.

Clearly state the following:

Title Page

  • It is important that you state clearly, the following, College name, Unit name, report title, date, and your name as the author.


  • An Abstract should be provided, so that people can see briefly what the report is about. You should mention the research purpose, research methods, your key findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
  • The Abstract is usually printed immediately after the title page


Content Page

  • Page numbers as well as section/chapter titles should be included.
  • If the report incorporates some appendices, their titles should be listed.


  • A list of names, roles, and organizations (if relevant) of all of those who helped you when compiling the report should be listed.
  • Terms of Reference -Refer to your project proposal.
  • Introduction
  • This section should provide some of the background of the subject that forms the principal theme of your report.
  • If the report is designed to solve a perceived ‘problem’, the history of the ‘problem’ can be reviewed here, culminating in the situation that prompted the report to be written.
  • You should also provide some key information about the organization in which your research is based.

Literature Review (Secondary Research).

Literature is related to the research objective to plan a research study to explore the phenomenon. Conduct a literature review using a range of sources relating to the research topic. Evaluate the validity and reliability of the sources, discussing current understanding on the research topic area.

In your report discuss the sources of literature found and how they relate or otherwise to the research topic. Your report should critically evaluate literature to assess the validity of the literature in supporting the research topic.

LO2 - Methodology

  • This section is needed for the reader to judge the authenticity of the ‘evidence’ that comprises the main body of the report. 

•  Copies of questionnaires, interview questions etc. should be included in the appendices.

• If any published documents were studied, this should be mentioned here.

LO3 - Carry out independent primary research.

Design, implement, collect, and critically analyze data. For example, using a survey/questionnaire/interview or other primary research technique to collect data and then present and analyze findings. Present your findings using visual illustrations e.g., bar charts/pie graphs/tables.

Your report will include the critical analysis of data and the advantages and disadvantages of the research methods and approaches taken to data collection.

• Main Body and Findings: (LO1, LO2, LO3, and LO4).

This is likely to comprise many paragraphs or sections. It is often useful to

break up your project into subheadings. This section should be structured around the key themes of your research. Use tables and charts if possible.

Your presentation of data is important. This section should bring together your secondary and primary research and your findings.

Conclusions - LO4

In this section you should say what your facts or findings mean i.e., discuss the key implications arising from the wealth of detail you may have collected. The conclusions should not incorporate any new facts.

Recommendations- LO4

Your recommendations should clearly spell out your ideas to enable them to be acted upon. If your proposals involve expenditure, you must supply a cost benefit evaluation to show what it costs and what management will get from it.

Finally, critically reflect on how you have conducted the project, the lessons. learned and the alternative you would consider in the future with recommendations for actions to be taken forward.

References and Bibliography

All references in the report should be listed in the correct Harvard format in the References list. Other materials used but not referred to in the Research. Project should be included in a Bibliography.


All detailed statistical tabulations, graphs, lists, questionnaires etc. should be organised into separate appendices.

Include a list of references (sources that are cited in the report itself) Nothing should be included that isn’t referred to in the main body of the report 

Recommended Resources

Please note that the resources listed are examples for you to use as a starting point in your research – the list is not definitive.

Creswell, J. W. (2019) Educational Research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. 6th edn. New York: Pearson.

Creswell, J. W. and Creswell, J. D. (2022) Research Design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approach. 5th edn.: independently published.

Ellis, T. J. and Levy, Y. (2008) `Framework of problem-based research: A guide for novice researchers on the development of a research-worthy problem`, Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 11, pp. p17-33.

‘Care standards as a framework for healthcare practice’ In what ways do standards improve care? Why do standards improve care? Do standards improve care?

Eriksen, M. B. and Frandsen, T. F. (2018) `The impact of patient, intervention, comparison, outcome (PICO) as a search strategy tool on literature search quality: a systematic review`, Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 106(4), pp. 420-431. PubMed, Available: Medical Library Association. DOI: 10.5195/jmla.2018.345.

Health Research Authority and UK Health Departments (2017) UK policy framework for health and social care research [policy], London: National Institute for Health and Care Research.

Kemmis, S., McTaggart, R. and Nixon, R. (2014) The action research planner: doing critical participatory action research. Singapore: Springer.

Langlois, S., Goudreau, J. and Lalonde, L. (2014) `Scientific rigour and innovations in participatory action research investigating workplace learning in continuing interprofessional education`, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 28(3), pp. 226-231.

Mubuuke, A. G. and Leibowitz, B. (2013) `Participatory action research: The key to successful implementation of innovations in health professions education`, African Journal of Health Professions Education, 5(1), pp. 30.

National Institute for Health and Care Research (n.d.) Good Clinical Practice (GCP) [online]. Available at: https://www.nihr.ac.uk/health-and-care- professionals/learningand-support/good-clinical-practice.htm (Accessed: 23rd June 2022).

NHS Improving Quality (2014) First steps towards quality     improvement: a simple guide to improving services. London: NHS   Improving Quality. 

Skills for Care (n.d.) Care Certificate [online]. Available at:

Page 29 of 30 https://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/Developing-    your-workforce/Care-Certificate/CareCertificate.aspx (Accessed: 24th February 2023).

Skills for Health (n.d.) The Care Certificate Overview [online]. Available at: https://www.skillsforhealth.org.uk/info-hub/the-care-certificate/ (Accessed: 27th February 2023)


www.bma.org.uk British Medical Association (BMA) Code of Ethics (General


www.bps.org.uk British Psychological Society (BPS) Code of Human Research

Ethics (eBook)

www.gov.uk Gov.UK Public Health England, doing, supporting and using public health research (Report)

www.health.org.uk The Health Foundation Research and policy analysis (General


Additional links

Unit specification: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/btec- higher-nationals/healthcare-practice-for-england-2018-rqf.html

For students https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/btec-higher- nationals/higher-nationals/learning-hub.html

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria





LO1 Review the role of research in health and wellbeing improvement strategies



P1 Discuss the role of research in defining research questions for a piece of action research in health and social care.

P2 Review own skills in conducting a piece of action research into health and wellbeing improvement.

M1 Evaluate own skills in defining research questions for a piece of action research in health and wellbeing improvement

LO1 and LO2 D1 Critically evaluate how effectively research methodologies selected support proposed action research study in health and wellbeing improvement.


LO2 Develop a methodological framework for action research in health and wellbeing improvement


P3 Illustrate in detail appropriate research methods for investigating research


M2 Analyse the methodological approach taken to answer research questions


P4 Discuss ethical considerations when researching human participants






LO3 Carry out action research towards improvements in health and wellbeing

D2 Critically analyse research findings using appropriate data analysis techniques

P5 Implement a piece of action research in health and wellbeing improvement.

P6 Interpret data using appropriate data analysis techniques

M3 Analyse research data from action research using appropriate data analysis techniques





D3 Critically evaluate research study in terms of influencing change and its value in improving quality of health and social care service provision nationally and globally

LO4 Examine the impact of research findings with regard to service improvement and own professional development

P7 Discuss the potential impact of findings from action research study on health and wellbeing improvement

P8 Discuss own learning in research journey identifying strategies for future developmental needs in conducting ethical research into health and wellbeing improvement

M4 Evaluate how findings relate to research questions in supporting improvement in health and wellbeing and own professional development



This unit links with a number of units in the qualification, depending on the topic researched.








In addition to the explicit links above, this unit can link to all other Practice Themes in the qualification, depending on the topic researched.

Academic Integrity (Note to avoid Plagiarism)


Academic integrity is a fundamental expectation for all college/university students and while it is acknowledged that mitigating circumstances might be raised as factors in student behaviour, cheating cannot be disregarded. GBS definition of plagiarism, as contained in GBS Academic Good Practice and Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure, has been expanded to make explicit that copying from texts or web sources and copying work from other students constitutes plagiarism.

“Plagiarism is the act of taking or copying someone else’s work, including another student, and presenting it as if it were your own. Plagiarism is said to occur when ideas, texts, theories, data, created artistic artefacts or other material are presented without acknowledgement so that the person considering this work is given the impression that what they have before them is the student’s own original work when it is not. Plagiarism also occurs where a student’s own work is re-presented without being properly referenced. Plagiarism is a form of cheating and is a disciplinary offence.”

Plagiarism is easy to avoid by making sure you reference all of the sources of material that you use in the completion of your work. Pearson has developed Guidelines on Harvard Referencing which are available in Academic Support Area for Students on Moodle (VLE) as well as on respective unit pages.

If you are concerned about referencing techniques, please draw the matter to your Unit Lecturer or Academic Support Team on academicsupport@globalbanking.ac.uk so that you may receive extra advice.

Group coursework may be designed so that the contribution of each student is identifiable, but inclusion of plagiarised material is still the responsibility of the whole group. All members of the group should exercise vigilance to ensure that work is properly referenced; in group- work, students have a shared responsibility for the assignment

Higher Nationals


When submitting evidence for assessment, each student must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own.

Student name:

Assessor name:

Issue date:

Submission date:

Submitted on:



Assignment number and title:



Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who break the rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. As a university level student, you are expected to use appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials for material you have used in your work, including any material downloaded from the Internet. Please consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further advice.

GBS Academic Good Practice and Academic Misconduct: Policy and Procedure

Student Declaration

Unit 18: Innovation and Improvement through Action Research

Unit 18: Innovation and Improvement through Action Research is a dynamic and engaging assignment that embodies the essence of proactive learning and practical application. At its core, this assignment empowers students to delve into real-world scenarios within their respective fields or disciplines and apply action research methodologies to drive innovation and improvement. The assignment typically begins with an exploration of foundational concepts surrounding action research, including its principles, methodologies, and ethical considerations. This sets the stage for students to understand the significance of action research as a tool for driving positive change.

Once equipped with the necessary theoretical framework, students embark on the practical aspect of the assignment, where they identify a specific problem or challenge within their chosen context that warrants investigation and intervention. This could range from issues within an organizational setting, educational environment, community development project, or any other relevant sphere. The selection of the problem is crucial as it forms the basis for the subsequent research and intervention phases.

With the problem identified, students proceed to design and implement their action research plan. This involves formulating research questions, selecting appropriate research methods, collecting data, and analyzing findings. The emphasis is on active participation and engagement, as students immerse themselves in the research process to gain insights and generate actionable recommendations. This hands-on approach fosters a deeper understanding of the complexities inherent in real-world problems and equips students with valuable skills in problem-solving and decision-making.

Throughout the assignment, students are encouraged to reflect critically on their experiences and outcomes, considering the effectiveness of their interventions and any unexpected challenges encountered along the way. This reflective component is integral to the action research process, as it enables students to continuously refine their approaches and adapt their strategies based on ongoing feedback and learning. Moreover, it encourages a culture of continuous improvement and self-evaluation, which are essential qualities for future leaders and change agents.

At the culmination of the assignment, students are tasked with presenting their findings and recommendations to their peers and relevant stakeholders. This provides an opportunity for knowledge sharing and peer learning, as well as for receiving feedback and validation from others in the academic or professional community. Additionally, it serves to showcase the tangible impact of their action research efforts and reinforces the importance of collaboration and communication in driving meaningful change.

Unit 18: Innovation and Improvement through Action Research offers students a unique opportunity to bridge theory and practice, fostering a holistic understanding of research principles while empowering them to effect positive change in their respective domains. By engaging in active inquiry, reflection, and collaboration, students develop the skills and mindset needed to navigate complex challenges and contribute meaningfully to their fields of study and beyond.

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