Knowledge and Understanding
This should include the evidence of:
- Knowledge and critical understanding of how to apply the theories and concepts of technology in an ever-changing global business environment presented in summary of findings from CW1s
- Understanding the challenges these present to managers of specific industries, markets, businesses or operational roles
The work demonstrates a limited and/or substantially inaccurate or no knowledge and critical understanding of how to apply the theories and concepts of technology in an ever-
changing global business environment presented in summary of findings from CW1s and the challenges these present to managers of specific industries, markets, businesses or operational roles
The work demonstrates insufficient knowledge and critical understanding of how to apply the theories and concepts of technology in an ever-
changing global business environment presented in summary of findings from CW1s and the challenges these present to managers of specific industries, markets, businesses or operational roles
The work demonstrates a basic knowledge and critical understanding of how to apply the theories and concepts of technology in an ever-
changing global business environment presented in summary of findings from CW1s and the challenges these present to managers of specific industries, markets, businesses or operational roles
The work demonstrates a sound breadth and depth knowledge and critical understanding of how to apply the theories and concepts of technology in an ever-
changing global business environment presented in summary of findings from CW1s and the challenges these present to managers of specific industries, markets, businesses or operational roles
The work demonstrates refined knowledge and critical understanding of how to apply the theories and concepts of technology in an ever-
changing global business environment presented in summary of findings from CW1s and the challenges these present to managers of specific industries, markets, businesses or operational roles
The work demonstrates highly accomplished knowledge and critical understanding of how to apply the theories and concepts of technology in an ever-
changing global business environment presented in summary of findings from CW1s and the challenges these present to managers of specific industries, markets, businesses or operational roles
The work demonstrates exceptional knowledge and critical understanding of how to apply the theories and concepts of technology in an ever-
changing global business environment presented in summary of findings from CW1s and the challenges these present to managers of specific industries, markets, businesses or operational roles
Analysis and criticality
This should include the evidence of:
Coherent linkage and logic argument for the analysis of a chosen topic
Use of course materials and range of independently selected sources
The work demonstrates a limited or no ability to use of course materials and range of independently selected sources to support investigation into the chosen topic, poor coherent linkage and logic argument
The work demonstrates an insufficient ability to use of course materials and range of independently selected sources to support investigation into the chosen topic, limited coherent linkage and logic argument
The work demonstrates a sufficient ability to use of course materials and range of independently selected sources to support investigation into the chosen topic, satisfactory coherent linkage and logic argument
The work demonstrates a well-developed ability to use of course materials and range of independently selected sources to support investigation into the chosen topic, good coherent linkage and logic argument
The work demonstrates a sophisticated accomplished ability to use of course materials and range of independently selected sources to support investigation into the chosen topic, very good coherent linkage and logic argument
The work demonstrates highly accomplished ability to use of course materials and range of independently selected sources to support investigation into the chosen topic, excellent coherent linkage and logic argument
The work demonstrates exceptionally accomplished ability to use of course materials and range of independently selected sources to support investigation into the chosen topic, exceptional coherent linkage and logic argument
Application, evaluation and recommendation
This should include evidence of:
Critical application the knowledge gain from CW1 to make recommendations to an organisation which would improve its effectiveness and discusses in detail of how to meet existing and emerging challenges posed by digital disruption within that sector or profession.
Work demonstrates a limited or no ability to evaluate and make recommendations to an organisation which would improve its effectiveness and discusses in detail of how to meet existing and emerging challenges posed by digital disruption within that sector or profession
Work demonstrates an insufficient ability to evaluate and make recommendations to an organisation which would improve its effectiveness and discusses in detail of how to meet existing and emerging challenges posed by digital disruption within that sector or profession.
Work demonstrates a sufficient ability to evaluate and make recommendations to an organisation which would improve its effectiveness and discusses in detail of how to meet existing and emerging challenges posed by digital disruption within that sector or profession
Work demonstrates an ability to evaluate and make recommendations to an organisation which would improve its effectiveness and discusses in detail of how to meet existing and emerging challenges posed by digital disruption within that sector or profession in a consistent and informed manner.
Work demonstrates an ability to evaluate and make recommendations to an organisation which would improve its effectiveness and discusses in detail of how to meet existing and emerging challenges posed by digital disruption within that sector or profession in a capable and effective manner.
Work demonstrates an ability to evaluate and make recommendations to an organisation which would improve its effectiveness and discusses in detail of how to meet existing and emerging challenges posed by digital disruption within that sector or profession in a highly accomplished manner.
Work demonstrates an ability to evaluate and make recommendations to an organisation which would improve its effectiveness and discusses in detail of how to meet existing and emerging challenges posed by digital disruption within that sector or profession in an exceptionally accomplished manner.
Transferable Skills (20%)
Presentation skills
Demonstrates limited or no ability in verbal communication is unclear (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and no attempt in presentation design with no structure and no attempt to support with visual aids, all texts. Too many errors in referencing or no reference.
Demonstrates limited or no ability in professionalism (punctuality, time-management way more exceeds 15 minutes or too short presentation, dress and inability to respond and handle questions)
Demonstrates an insufficient ability in verbal communication (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and insufficient presentation design with no structure and no attempt to support with outstanding visual aids, all texts.
Limited attempts to adheres to rules of Harvard Referencing in text, some elements missing in reference list.
Demonstrates an insufficient ability in professionalism (punctuality, time-management way more exceeds 15 minutes or too short presentation, dress and inability to respond and handle questions)
Demonstrates a sufficient ability in verbal communication (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and basic presentation design with some attempt to provide structure and may/may not support with visual aids.
Satisfactory adheres to rules of Harvard Referencing in text, some elements missing in reference list.
Demonstrates a sufficient ability in professionalism (punctuality, time-management may exceed 15 minutes or too short presentation, dress and ability to respond and handle questions to some extents)
Demonstrates consistent and confident ability in verbal communication (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and presentation design with some structure and attempt to support with visual aids.
Good adheres to rules of Harvard Referencing in in text and ref list.
Demonstrates consistent and confident ability in professionalism (punctuality, time-management may exceed 15 minutes, dress and ability to respond and handle questions reasonably)
Demonstrates high proficient ability in verbal communication (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and sophisticated presentation design with clear structure and support well with visual aids.
Very good adheres to rules of Harvard Referencing in text and in reference list
Demonstrates high proficient ability professionalism (punctuality time-management well in 15 minutes, dress and ability to respond and handle questions well)
Demonstrates highly accomplished ability in verbal communication (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and sophisticated presentation design with clear structure and support with excellent visual aids.
Excellent adheres to rules of Harvard Referencing in text and in reference list.
Demonstrates highly accomplished ability in professionalism (punctuality time-management well in 15 minutes, dress and ability to respond and handle questions excellently)
Demonstrates exceptional ability in verbal communication (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and sophisticated presentation design with clear structure and support with outstanding visual aids. Outstanding adheres to rules of Harvard Referencing in text and in reference list.
Demonstrates exceptional ability in professionalism (punctuality and time-management well in 15 minutes, dress and outstanding ability to respond and handle questions)