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Critical Analysis Assignment in the field of Adult Nursing – Postgraduate - Level 7
Topic: Critical Analysis of one determinant of health on the given scenario in adult nursing
Critically examine the impact of one determinant of health on the given scenario in adult nursing (case study has been attached in a separate file).
Written Assignment Outline
Consider the case study that has been given to you which is based on a patient/service user in the field of adult nursing.
Assignment outline
The assignment must focus on one determinant of health.
The assignment must critically explore this determinant in terms of the individual, as well as the wider socio-political and economic context.
Current evidence and policies in relation to the social determinant and its potential impact or relationship to the individual in the case study should be utilised to support this work.
The one determinant of health to be used should be about Individual lifestyle factors relating to the case study:
In examining and selecting this determinant of health you may consider any of the following: the individual, their biopsychosocial factors and any associated lifestyle factors.
So have a look at the Dahlgren and Whitehead’s model and select the determinant highlighted in yellow and explore in relation to the Case Study for adult nursing.
Then do a literature search in relation to this determinant.
Dahlgren and Whitehead’s (1971) model: Wider determinants of health
The current context of health and healthcare provision in the United Kingdom and how this might impact on the individual should also be considered.
Critique evidence from a range of sources for example, NICE, the Department of Health, Public Health England, the King’s Fund, World Health Organisation, Marmot review, and other peer reviewed sources and publications.
Demonstrate use of empirical research literature that informs your understanding and analysis of the context of this determinant of health
Overall, the discussion should give a logical and coherent argument of the key issues and demonstrate an understanding of the factors that impact on health and illness.
Evidence should include data, facts, quotations, arguments, statistics and research from your readings as evidence. Make sure that you include a reference and explain how and why you think this evidence supports your point.
Use appropriate language for academic writing, which is structured, measured and precise.
The assignment must follow:
Introduction: it should begin with a clear identification of what is to be studied and how that will be achieved
Body: Critically examining the impact of one determinant of health on the given scenario in adult nursing, using critique evidence from a range of sources the King’s Fund, World Health Organisation, Marmot review, etc.
For the individual described give a summary of key evidence/policy/best practice recommendations that relate to this determinant of health in terms of their individual context
Consider the determinant of health in terms of local policy/best practice and specific evidence base alongside the wider socio-economic and political influences
Evaluate your findings
Structure the work logically without repetition
Conclusion: should be ended with a summary or conclusion
Gladys is a 78-year-old female, who lives in Newham, London. She was born in the UK. Gladys used to enjoy Bingo twice a week but has stopped going since her husband died 18 months ago. She now lives alone in a bungalow. She has one daughter, who lives 50 miles away.
Gladys suffers from lymphoedema and has a leg ulcer which is dressed weekly by the tissue viability (TV) nurse at the leg ulcer clinic. Due to COVID restrictions, she has been unable to leave the house and has been missing her routine leg ulcer clinic appointments. Her daughter noticed that she has been suffering from memory loss and Gladys is under investigations for a suspected dementia diagnosis.
Gladys used to work as an NHS cleaner and is now in receipt of government pension. She feels isolated and vulnerable – fearful of going out because of the high incidence of COVID-19 in the area of London. Her only daughter is unable to visit her due to the distance between them but supports her to do her food shopping online.
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