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The assessment criteria form part of the unit and specify the standard that a learner is expected to meet to demonstrate that the learning outcomes within the unit have been achieved. The additional guidance, which is shown in brackets and italics alongside the assessment criteria, does not technically form part of the unit, in that it is not included in the reference version of the unit shown by the Register of Regulated Qualifications. The additional guidance is provided to illustrate how the assessment criteria might be interpreted. 1.1 Explain the purpose of setting business objectives. The IWFM will generally expect assessors to interpret the assessment criteria as described, or to an equivalent level of demand.
Aim of the unit:
This unit enables learners to develop their understanding of the techniques and processes of setting business objectives and performance management within the facilities management function.
Understanding performance measurement in facilities management
Credit value:
Learning outcomes
A learner when awarded credit for this unit will:
Assessment criteria
Assessment of this learning outcome will require a learner to demonstrate that they can:
1. Understand the principles of business objectives
1.1 Explain the purpose of setting business objectives (no additional guidance)
1.2 Explain the elements used to set business objectives (including elements such as vision, strategy and compliance, and supporting the explanation with example/s from the learner’s own experience and/or case studies)
2. Understand the principles of performance measurement
2.1 Explain the techniques used in performance measurement as it applies to teams, suppliers, assets and the facilities management function (including performance management, compliance to relevant legislation and codes of conduct, benchmarking, SLA’s, KPI’s, SMART targets, monitoring of processes, regular review and customer & peer feedback, and supporting the explanation with example/s from the learner’s own experience and/or case studies)
3. Understand the relationship between business objectives and performance measurement
3.1 Explain how performance measurement can help in achieving business objectives. (supporting the explanation with example/s from the learner’s own experience and/or case studies)
3.2 Explain how the results from performance measurement can support a programme of continuous improvement (supporting the explanation with example/s from the learner’s own experience and/or case studies)
Unit expiry date
31 December 2024
Unit reference number
Link to National Occupational Standards
FM Professional Standards reference
FM functional area:
FM functional area component:
Quality Management and Customer Service
Quality Management
The Basics of Performance Measurement by Jerry L. Harbour
Transforming Performance Measurement: Rethinking the Way We Measure and Drive Organizational Success by Dean R. Spitzer
Strategic Performance Management: Leveraging and Measuring your Intangible Value Drivers: 340 by Bernard Marr
Performance Dashboards: Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business by Wayne W. Eckerson
FM World - www.fm-world.co.uk
Facilities Management Journal - http://www.fmj.co.uk/
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