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MOD005913 Safeguarding in Practice
Practical - Project
Assessment code:
Academic Year:
Module Title:
Module Code:
Level 5
Module Leader:
Word Limit:
Coursework assignment, not exceeding 3000 words.
This excludes bibliography and other items listed in rule 6.83 of the Academic Regulations: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf
Assessed Learning Outcomes
Submission Deadline:
Please refer to the deadline on the VLE
In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline. Work that is submitted late – up to five working days after the published submission deadline - will be accepted and marked. However, the element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 40%. Select and describe one type of abuse and its prevalence.
Work cannot be submitted if the period of 5 working days after the deadline has passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment. MOD005913 Safeguarding in Practice
Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of illness or other cause considered valid by the Director of Studies Team. Please contact DoS@london.aru.ac.uk. A request must normally be received and agreed by the Director of Studies Team in writing at least 24 hours prior to the deadline. See rules 6.64-6.73: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf
Mitigation: The deadline for submission of mitigation in relation to this assignment is no later than five working days after the submission date of this work. Please contact the Director of Studies Team - DoS@london.aru.ac.uk. See rules 6.112 – 6.141: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf
Complete an A3 size poster on a category of abuse from the Care Act 2014 or from the emerging forms of abuse covered in the lecture.
The poster should be aimed at helping health and social care professionals to understand the type of abuse, its impact upon people who use services and what can be done to prevent it.
The poster should be on one of the two templates provided and should be uploaded on Turnitin as a PowerPoint document (not PDF). You can adjust the boxes within the templates. The narrative should be in at least font size 12 and the references in at least font size 10.
Task 1
Select and describe one type of abuse and its prevalence. (30 marks total)
Task 2
Critically explore the literature on the impact of this type of abuse on people who use services. (30 marks)
Task 3
Critically consider the evidence base on the best ways to intervene and prevent this type of abuse.
Draw on this evidence and relevant legislation and guidance to produce clear recommendations for practice. (30 marks)
Task 4
Quality of poster presentation: ensure the poster is clearly presented, visually striking and referenced in the Harvard system. (10 marks)
A poster should effectively summarise a range of materials highlighting key points. Images and graphics can make the poster stand out but should not be at the expense of the essential content. It requires a focus on being clear, concise and coherently organised. Select and describe one type of abuse and its prevalence.
Cooper, A and White, E (Eds) (2017) Safeguarding Adults Under the Care Act 2014. London: Jessica Kingsley. This is available for free on your Kortext app.
As well as relevant legislation, guidance, and the outcomes of Inquires and safeguarding reviews, other academic sources should be selected from the e-library at ARUL, based on their relevance and credibility.
A start point for your reading is provided on the Safeguarding in Practice Resources (see the resource list tile on the SIP VLE), but the Journal of Adult Protection is particularly recommended, for up-to-date relevant articles. Select and describe one type of abuse and its prevalence.
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