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Portfolio (Written)
Factors affecting HRM decision-making & application of HRM practices
Scenario: The Directors would like to recruit new staff for the organisation now that COVID lockdowns are coming to an end. In preparation for this new recruitment drive, your line manager has asked you to prepare a portfolio of documents that will help the HR department with their HR decision-making and practices, and in particular staff recruitment. Provide some commentary that explains your rationale for the documents you have created and what purpose they will serve. The required submission is a portfolio with analysis and evaluation of documents (policies, laws etc) that affect HRM decision-making and samples of documents that illustrate application of HRM practices
Part One: HRM Decision-Making The portfolio should include the following:
An introduction that explains the purpose of the portfolio and how it will help with decision-making and staff recruitment at the organisation.
An analysis and critical evaluation of how HRM decisions are affected by internal factors such as staffing needs, HRM practices and employee relations in the selected organisation. The factors you analyse and evaluate could include the role of trade unions, discipline, grievances and redundancy, best practice, dealing with furlough and ethical and social responsibilities.
• Refer to documents (e.g. polices, handbooks) and comment on how they affect HRM decision-making.
• An evaluation of how HRM decisions in the selected organisation are affected by external factors such as employment legislation e.g. equality laws, data protection, health and safety, redundancy, dismissal, employment contracts) and the pandemic.
• Refer to laws (e.g. Working Time Regulations 1998) and how they affect HRM decision-making. Part Two: HRM Practices Create a sample of documents in order to illustrate the application of HRM practices. For example, you may provide some or all of the following to recruit staff or a position in your selected organisation.
• Job advert
• Job description
• Person specification
• Health & safety documentation in relation to COVID
• Job interview questions
1. Analyse internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-making, including employment legislation
a. Analyse the importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decision making.
b. Identify the key elements of employment legislation and the impact it has upon HRM decision making.
2. Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context. a. Illustrate the application of HRM practices in a work-related context, using specific examples.
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