FM4.22: Managing accessibility and inclusion and its impact on facilities management

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Unit FM4.22: Managing accessibility and inclusion and its impact on facilities management

The assessment criteria form part of the unit and specify the standard that a learner is expected to meet to demonstrate that the learning outcomes within the unit have been achieved. The additional guidance, which is shown in brackets and italics alongside the assessment criteria, does not technically form part of the unit, in that it is not included in the reference version of the unit shown by the Register of Regulated Qualifications. The additional guidance is provided to illustrate how the assessment criteria might be interpreted. The IWFM will generally expect assessors to interpret the assessment criteria as described, or to an equivalent level of demand.

Aim of the unit:

This unit enables learners to develop their understanding of the managing accessibility and inclusion and its impact on facilities management.


Managing accessibility and inclusion and its impact on facilities management



Credit value:


Learning outcomes

A learner when awarded credit for this unit will:

Assessment criteria

Assessment of this learning outcome will require a learner to demonstrate that they can:

1. Understand the range of perspectives of disability and inclusion

1.1 Evaluate the different models of disability (Social and medical model of disability)

1.2 Characterize the potential environmental, attitudinal and organizational barriers to access to services (Historical treatment of disabled people, Access requirements of people with sensory, cognitive and physical impairments; permanent and temporary impairments (e.g. older people, pregnant women, children, people with health conditions etc), Access to & usability of buildings, spaces, services, information, Use of language and communicating with disabled people)



1.3 Analyse the different ways in which  the design of services can affect someone’s access to those services (People’s perceptions and experiences of the accessibility of space, Access requirements of people with sensory, cognitive and physical impairments; permanent and temporary impairments (e.g. older people, pregnant women, children, people with health conditions etc), Access to & usability of buildings, spaces, services, information, Use of language and communicating with disabled people)

2. Understand the principles of inclusive design in the built environment

2.1 Analyse the characteristics of an inclusive environment (CABE’s principles of inclusive design)

2.2 Analyse the spatial considerations of an inclusive environment (Ergonomics (e.g. reach, space, visual, acoustic, cognitive))

2.3 Evaluate the use of visual contrast, lighting and acoustics (Ergonomics (e.g. reach, space, visual, acoustic, cognitive))

2.4 Evaluate the use of technology (Use of technology (e.g. hearing enhancement systems, readers, trembler alerts))

2.5 Analyse access and egress requirements (Vertical and horizontal access and egress (e.g. generic and Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans))

3. Understand the legal and regulatory framework of access and inclusion

3.1 Analyse the way in which equality legislation protects disabled and older people (Equality Act, Legislation relating to health and safety, emergencies and fire safety)

3.2 Analyse the way in which regulations influence inclusive design and the management of access (Planning and building legislation and regulations)


3.3     Analyse the way in which technical standards, guidance and good practice influence inclusive design and the management of access (British Standards (e.g. BS 8300) and industry standards and guidance, Legislation relating to health and safety, emergencies and fire safety, Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Building Information Modelling (BIM))

3.4 Evaluate the Facility Manager’s role, responsibilities and sphere of influence (FM’s duty of care)

4. Understand the management of access and inclusion in the built environment

4.1 Explain how to ensure that facilities meet inclusion requirements (Audit techniques)

4.2 Characterize the nature of barriers to services (Risk assessment)

4.3 Identify potential ways of overcoming barriers to services (Engagement of stakeholders (e.g. disabled people), Opportunities for change: maintenance, refurbishment, adjustments)

4.4 Explain how to analyse the feasibility of reasonable adjustments (Scope of reasonable adjustments, Analysis of feasibility including commissioning services)

4.5 Explain the requirements of an emergency evacuation plan (Evacuation requirements and planning, Access documentation)

Unit expiry date

31 December 2024

Unit reference number


FM Professional Standards reference

FM functional area:

FM     functional     area component:

Unit FM4.22: Managing accessibility and inclusion and its impact on facilities management

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