K1. That you can critically evaluate the theoretical basis for sources of competitive advantage and evaluate their relevance to practice

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PGBM135 Global Strategy and Foresight London

Canvas Submission Deadline: Assessment 01 – Report: Thursday 8th August 2024 by 2PM

Canvas Submission Deadline: Assessment 02 Poster/Infographic/Slides Date: Thursday 11th July 2024 by  2PM

Module Leader: Giuseppe Cantafio

Introduction: This module is assessed by two separate assignments:

Assessment 1 – a case study based coursework Assessment 2 – Poster/Infographic/Slides Presentation. Details of the assessments are as follows.

Although this is a summative assignment and presentation, there is also an  expectation that all students complete the formative assessments made available weekly by way of discussions and quizzes.

Module Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, you will have demonstrated


K1. That you can critically evaluate the theoretical basis for sources of competitive advantage and evaluate their relevance to practice

K2. That you can critique the relationship between organisational vision, strategic objectives, intent, resources, planning and the firm’s environment

K3. That you have an appreciation for the conceptual theories of ‘internationalisation, innovation and competitive advantage’ to different industries and locations

K4. That you can demonstrate critical understanding and application of relevant theories and tools associated with strategic foresight and the need for organisational future orientation


S1 How to review and present their critical knowledge of selected international business, strategy and foresight literature

S2. Your ability to evaluate an organisation’s competitive environment, analyse its competitive positions and identify its strategic resources, capabilities and core competences

S3. Your ability to explore global trends and drivers of change with a pursuit of identifying attractive future markets

S4. How to identify the key resources, capabilities and competences for an organisation’s future growth and sustainability

S5. How to use relevant foresight tools to understand and articulate the dynamic nature of a given industry, its future trajectory and develop plausible scenarios

Assessment 1 (80% weighting)

Case study based Individual coursework with a word guideline of 4000 words (plus or minus 10%) to meet learning outcomes K1, K2, K3, S1, S2 and S4.

Case – Compass Group Plc.

Compass Group has made an incredible journey since its start in 1941 as “Factory Canteens Ltd”. Bateman Catering and Midland Catering were acquired by Grand Metropolitan in 1967 and 1968 respectively and a management buy-out from Grand Metropolitan followed in 1987 when the Compass Group was formed. The many companies that have joined Compass have contributed to the rich heritage and shaped the personality of the business today. Whilst Compass Group has come a long way from these humble beginnings to become the international business they are now, the commitment of their people to their customers, the quality of the service and the spirit of innovation remain a constant and ongoing feature of the company’s development.

Compass Group Plc provides food and support services to customers in the workplace, in schools and colleges, hospitals, at leisure and in remote environments. It operates in following sectors: Business and Industry, Education, Healthcare and Seniors, Sports and Leisure, Defense, Offshore and Remote. Compass Group was founded in 1941 and is headquartered in Chertsey, the United Kingdom.“

Compass Group was first listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1988. Eurest, one of the company’s US subsidiaries, was launched in the USA in 1996 to provide dining services to local, regional and national companies within the Business & Industry markets, including employee dining centers, on-site catering, vending, executive dining rooms, and other managed services.

Compass Group became the World’s biggest catering firm by 2005. Meanwhile ESS was contracted by the

U.S. Marine Corps, the 82nd Airborne Division, the British Ministry of Defence, the Coalition Provisional Authority, along with the major defense contractors Fluor, RMS, Bechtel, and most notably KBR (a subsidiary of Halliburton) under the U.S. Army troop support contract called LOGCAP III to provide dining and construction services at desert bases and encampments in Kuwait and Iraq from the start of operations in 2003 to 2006.

In April 2006 Compass Group sold its roadside and travel catering businesses for a combined £1.82 billion. The transaction included the sale of 43 Moto motorway service areas to Australia’s Macquarie Bank for an estimated £600m. Compass’s Select Service Partners (SSP) travel concessions business was sold to companies controlled by private equity firm EQT Partners, for an estimated £1.2 billion. The company made further acquisitions in 2009 including Kimco and Lackmans in the USA, Plural in Germany and several McColls retail site leases in the UK. Please visit Compass Group Plc website https://www.compass-group.co.uk/, you are advised to update the case study will relevant, current sources from the online library and credible media.


Assessment 1 (80% weighting) – Submission due after week 10. See top of document for more details.

Case study based Individual coursework with a word guideline of 4000 words (plus or minus 10%) to meet learning outcomes K1, K2, K3, S1, S2 and S4.

You are required to answer the following THREE questions that pertains to the case – Compass Group Plc. For further details on Compass Group Plc, you may refer to the Problem Based Learning case presented in week 2. It is also recommended that you research information additional to the case study to support your arguments. This may be obtained from a diverse range of sources and you are encouraged to research the issues in whichever way you deem appropriate.

Question One: Sources of Competitive Advantage and its relevance to management

Critically review the theories of competitive advantage and evaluate their relevance to management. In particular, discuss how such theories could inform Compass Group Leadership Team in their quest to gain sustainable competitive advantage.

Question Two: Firm’s strategy and strategic position

Critically review the relationship between organisational resources, external environment and firm performance. Use Compass Group Plc as an illustration in your discussion.

Question Three: The role of innovation and internationalisation in a firm’s Competitive Advantage

Evaluate the relevance of innovation and internationalisation in designing and implementing Compass Group Plc strategy/competitive position


Please note that the questions carry the same level of weighting and therefore require the same level of  effort.

Assessment 2 (20% weighting) – Submission and presentation in week 8

Individual Poster/Infographic/Slides Presentation to meet learning outcomes K4, S3 and S5

As part of this assessment, you are to work individually and prepare and present either a one-page poster/infographic or slides (Max 5) that include the answer to the questions put to you by the case study presented to you during the workshops.

Please note that the questions carry the same level of weighting and therefore require the same level of effort.

Use words and images to present the message. You may use complete sentences, bullet points or diagrams but be prepared to present your analysis.

Your Poster/Infographic/Slides should also include your key references/sources:

Infographic tools:

You may wish to consider some tools for the creation of Infographics such as: Canva : www.canva.com

Visme : https://www.visme.co/make-infographics/

Please note:

All work must adhere to the University regulations on ‘Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism’, which are provided as an Appendix in your Programme Handbook. I encourage you to use ‘Harvard Referencing Style’ and avoid ‘Plagiarism’.

You have to submit an electronic copy of the coursework and the poster in pdf format or Microsoft Word file on CANVAS before the appointed date/time.

Assessment Criteria

The assessment will focus on the level of ANALYSIS carried out. That is, the application of THEORETICAL CONCEPTS studied in the module to the ‘practical’ case study presented. In other words, you should proceed beyond a DESCRIPTION of the company and its actions. critically evaluate the theoretical basis for sources of competitive advantage and evaluate their relevance to practice.

You should be analysing ‘why’ rather than describing ‘what’.

Academic Rigour

You will demonstrate the ability to isolate the key strategic issues identifying the coherence and depth of the analysis of those issues together with the ability to analyse the strategy context within which companies operates and the ability to critically review and evaluate strategic decisions made by companies


You will make use of relevant evidence, from material provided and personal research to support any statements made with the appropriateness of the methods used and theoretical models and frameworks applied within the breadth and depth of research undertaken. Critically review the theories of competitive advantage and evaluate their relevance to management. In particular, discuss how such theories could inform Compass Group Leadership Team in their quest to gain sustainable competitive advantage. The evaluation of data and the ability to make sound recommendations or conclusions arising from the analysis crystallising the soundness of arguments put forward


For the final presentation of your work you will create a the summary of arguments contained in the report considering layout and format, making good use of illustrative material and evidence to support arguments ensuring the appropriateness of length together with the quantity and accuracy of referencing


Compass Group Plc - https://www.compass-group.com/en/investors/annual-reports.html

Assessment Regulations

For further information regarding Assessment Regulations, extenuating circumstances or extensions and academic integrity, please refer to your Program Handbook on the University of Sunderland in London information page on Canvas.

Reading List

Please access your reading list from the library website. To access it, please go to https://moduleresources.sunderland.ac.uk/and search for your module

Submission guidelines

We are currently operating a single submission system that you need to follow to ensure that you successfully submit your work for marking. Your submission link will become available approximately 3 weeks prior to your submission deadline, along with detailed instructions on how to submit your assignment.


You will be marked in accordance to the University of Sunderland assessment criteria attached below. The assessment criteria cover; Relevance, Knowledge, Analysis, Argument and Structure, Critical Evaluation, Presentation, Reference to Literature

PGBM135 Part 1 – Assignment 80% weighting




0-7 Points


Pass 40 - 57

8-11 Points


Pass Merit 60 - 67

12-13 Points


Pass Distinction 70 - 77

14-15 Points


Pass Outstanding 80 +

16-20 Points





Relevance (20%)




Relevance to the requirements of the assessment may be very limited and intermittent.

Some correlation with the requirements of the assessment good attempt to address the relevance to management relating to organisational resources and internationalisation. May drift away from this in less focused passages

Directly relevant to the requirements of the assessment addressing the need for management to focus on the firm’s competitive advantage in the context of organisational resources and internationalisation of Compass Group.

Excellently relevant to the requirements of the assessment addressing the need for management to focus on the firm’s competitive advantage in the context of organisational resources and internationalisation of Compass Group.

Exceptionally relevant to the requirements of the assessment addressing the need for management to focus on the firm’s competitive advantage in the context of organisational resources and internationalisation

of Compass Group.






Knowledge (20%)




A limited knowledge and understanding of the relevant to the requirements of the assessment.


A good level of knowledge and understanding of the relevant to the requirements of the assessment, showing some grasp of the need for management to focus on the firm’s competitive advantage in the context of organisational resources and internationalisation of Compass Group.

A substantial knowledge and understanding of the relevant to the requirements of the assessment, showing a very good and clear grasp of the need for management to focus on the firm’s competitive advantage in the context of organisational resources and internationalisation of

Compass Group.

Highly detailed knowledge and understanding of the relevant to the requirements of the assessment, showing an excellent and clear grasp of the need for management to focus on the firm’s competitive advantage in the context of organisational resources and internationalisation of

Compass Group.



Excellent knowledge and understanding of the relevant to the requirements of the assessment, showing an excellent and clear grasp of





Analysis (20%)



Heavy dependence on description, and/or on paraphrase, is common, poor evidence of linking analysis to proposed solutions of problems in a work-based context.

Largely descriptive or narrative, with good evidence of analysis which links to the need for management to focus on the

firm’s competitive advantage in the context of organisational resources and internationalisation of Compass Group. Good and convincing conclusions.


Very good analysis throughout the need for management to focus on the firm’s competitive advantage in the context of organisational resources and internationalisation of Compass Group. Very good and convincing conclusions.


Excellent analysis throughout the need for management to focus on the firm’s competitive advantage in the context of organisational resources and internationalisation of Compass Group. Excellent and convincing conclusions.

Outstanding analysis throughout the need for management to focus on the firm’s competitive advantage in the context of organisational resources and internationalisation of Compass Group.

Brilliant and convincing conclusions.








Critical evaluation (25%)




Almost wholly derivative: the writer’s contribution barely goes beyond simplifying paraphrase and does not adequately evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems in a work context.



Good ability to critically evaluate and interpret data; good skills in formulating and evaluating appropriate approaches to problem –solving and application of practice in the need for management to focus on the firm’s competitive advantage in the context of organisational resources and internationalisation of Compass Group.

Very good ability to critically evaluate and interpret data; very good skills in formulating and evaluating appropriate approaches to problem –solving and application of practice in the need for management to focus on the firm’s competitive advantage in the context of organisational resources and internationalisation of Compass Group. Beginning to formulate an independent position in relation to




Excellent ability to critically evaluate and interpret data; Brilliant skills to formulate and evaluate appropriate approaches to problem – solving and application of practice in the need for management to focus on the firm’s competitive advantage in the context of organisational resources and internationalisation of Compass Group.

Exceptional ability to critically evaluate and interpret data; Outstanding skills to formulate and evaluate appropriate approaches to problem –solving and application of practice in the need for management to focus on the firm’s competitive advantage in the context of organisational resources and internationalisation of Compass Group.


References to literature (10%)

Absent or barely adequate use of literature. Over reliance on material provided by the tutor.

Good use of a variety of literature which includes some recent texts and/or appropriate literature, though not necessarily including a

substantive amount beyond

Very good engagement with appropriate reading. Very good knowledge of research- informed literature embedded in the work. Very

good and accurate use of

Critical engagement with appropriate reading.

Excellent Knowledge of research-informed literature embedded in the work.

Consistent and accurate use

Exceptional use of a wide range of literature; Excellent use of source material and uses a broad range of sources.



library texts. Competent use of source material.

academic conventions

of academic conventions



Presentation and creativity (5%)

Numerous deficiencies in expression and presentation; the writer may achieve clarity (if at all) only by using a simplistic or repetitious




Competently written, with only minor lapses from standard grammar, with good format



Well written, with very good standards of spelling and grammar.



Excellently written work, with high standards, in a readable style with brilliant format



outstanding format, exceptionally well- written work

PGBM135 part 2 – Presentation 20%





0-7 Points


Pass 40 - 57

8-11 Points


Merit 60 - 67

12-13 Points


Distinction 70 - 77

14-15 Points


Pass Outstanding 80+

16-20 Points



Relevance & Knowledge 30%

Major gaps in relevance to the megatrends with significant inaccuracies. Relevance to the requirements of the assessment may be very intermittent, and may be reduced to its vaguest and

least challenging terms

Some correlation to Compass Group Plc as organization but there are instances of irrelevance or inaccurate data. Some attempt to address the requirements of the presentation.

Directly relevant to the requirements of the presentation, addressing Compass Group Plc strategy and foresight within the positioning in


Highly relevant to the requirements of the presentation including the strategic impact of the company within the European landscape

Exceptionally relevant to the requirements of the presentation addressing Compass Group Plc strategy and foresight including the strategic impact of the company within the

European landscape




Content and structure 30%



Very limited or lack of structure, understanding and major gaps in the content A limited understanding of megatrends that impact Compass Group Plc.



Basic presentation structure prepared with some elements of validated content and good understanding of the Megatrends that impact the Organisational strategy.

Very good structurally prepared presentation with validated content and good understanding of the Megatrends that impact the Organisational



Highly fluid structure, with relevant content regarding megatrends and the company’s strategic positioning within the European Landscape.


Excellent sequential structure with high levels of flow, rich and relevant content regarding megatrends and the company’s strategic positioning within the European Landscape.




Critical evaluation 30%

Highly descriptive; Only personal views offered; very little or no evidence of linking analysis to proposed solutions of problems, heavy dependence on description, and/or on paraphrase, is common, poor evidence of


Largely descriptive or narrative, with little evidence of critical analysis which links to the solution of Compass Group Plc problems.

Good critical analysis of the problem based learning proposed by Compass Group, clear and orderly, with consistent links from analysis to

Very good analysis throughout; very good solutions proposed with high critical evaluation of the problem and strong conclusions

Excellent critical analysis throughout offering thought through solutions which could easily be applied to the business resulting in achieving the desired outcome; brilliant and convincing conclusions.


linking analysis to proposed solutions of problems in a work-based context.


solutions of problems in a work context.






References to literature and creativity 10%

No use of literature or barely adequate use of literature.

Academic conventions largely ignored.

Some up-to-date and/or appropriate literature used. Goes beyond the material tutor has provided. Limited use of sources to support a point.

Critical appraisal of up-todate and/or appropriate literature.

Recognition of different perspectives. Very good use of source material. Uses a range of sources

Critical engagement with appropriate reading; Knowledge of research-informed literature embedded in the work; Consistent and accurate use of academic conventions

Exceptional use of a wide range of literature; Excellent use of source material and uses a broad range of sources.


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