The Pearson-set theme for use with
Unit 1: Construction Design Project is
The need for energy efficient construction solutions
(Year 23-24) * (Note this changes each year)
With current political and economic upheaval, fluctuation & insecurities in the energy markets, the construction industry now faces considerable challenges in meeting targets for sustainability, modernisation, and demand. To reduce operational costs and meet net zero targets, current demand for energy efficient processes and construction design solutions has never been more important.
The theme of “The need for energy efficient construction solutions”, and the related topics, call upon you to consider the ways in which the construction industry can embed energy efficiency objectives into design solutions and/or the build process of construction projects.
Tutors must choose one topic from the list provided below and decide which type of project is most suitable for their assignment. All students must complete the same topic and project chosen by the tutor. However, if delivering to different cohorts of students then tutors may select a different topic and design a different assignment for each cohort.
● Designing an energy efficient construction project
● How can digital technology be utilised to enable energy efficient construction projects
● Enabling energy efficiencies in manufacture and build, at design stages.
● Energy efficient construction from ‘design’ to ‘use’
You are employed as trainee engineer in a construction engineering and design company.
A local newspaper is running a series related to `energy efficiency` in different industries. Their particular approach is to have individuals, who have recently entered the sector, respond to a specific topic in order to gain their views of energy efficiency within their industry. Those selected are asked to produce a report and give presentation in response to the topic.
Your employer has requested that you produce a report and presentation. The topic for your report and presentation is to be ‘Designing an energy efficient construction project’. Your employer has provided you with a brief for a small commercial building, including site information and project requirements (see Appendix 1).
(Note: You can agree on using a local project that you have knowledge about which can provide sufficient evidence to meet this unit. Please agree this with your tutor before progressing)
You will need to produce a Construction Information Package (a set of construction drawings and details), using industry-standard tools and techniques. In addition, you will need to develop a specification (either an `outline` specification or for a single element of the building) and a set of schedules (door and window). To accompany these, you will prepare the `prelims` for the specification and a simple schedule of works.
In discussion with your employer, you have agreed a structure for the report. Using the materials you have developed above, along with additional research, your report will describe the stages of a construction design process and the types of information required at different stages of a project; assessing the relationships between design and project stages and how information is shared throughout. To illustrate this, you may wish to use the sketches or models used in developing your design proposal. You will also use the brief (provided by your employer) to explain the requirements of the project and the relationship between drawings, schedules and specifications (here you can include images from the work that you have produced).
As the focus of the report is to explore the issues of energy efficiency, you will want to ensure that you are explaining how processes such as clash detection and information coordination ensure the quality of a project, and the energy efficiency implications of these processes through the different stages of a project. As a part of this, you should give your analysis of how design and construction information flows are related to contractual relationships. Within your report include an evaluation of how coordination of information can help to ensure accuracy and how this leads to quality, and how this leads to energy efficiency in construction projects.
Finally, using drawings, specifications and schedules that you have produced, you should create and present a 10-15 minute presentation of your design project to an audience of specialists and non -specialists.
Your report should be suitably titled, contain a contents page, use citations from researched construction related sources and include around 10 references.
Instructions and guidance to candidates
Your Construction Information Package should be made available as a set of PDF documents. Remember, these are intended to be downloadable so manage your file sizes appropriately (do not output super high-resolution A0 sized sheets!). It is best to keep the page sizes to A3 maximum. Because these are to be viewed on screen, images do not need to be large or high-resolution. As a guide, a 1024 × 768 image at 96dpi will be more than sufficient for on-screen viewing.
Note: All information sources and resources, including websites used to complete this assignment must be stated and correctly referenced in the document and/or presentation. No credit will be given for wholesale copying from information sources and checks for plagiarism may be made on your submitted work.
*Please access HN Global for additional resources support and reading for this unit. For further guidance and support on report writing please refer to the Study Skills Unit on HN Designing an energy efficient construction project’