Explain the nature and mechanics of the selected frauds and give a detailed explanation of HOW such frauds would be committed

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Assessment Cover Sheet and Feedback Form 2021/22

Module Code:


Module Title:

Principles of forensic accounting

Module Lecturer:


Assessment Title and Tasks: Types of fraud

Assessment No. 1 of 1

No. of pages submitted in total including this page: 

Completed by student

Word Count of submission (if applicable): Completed by student

Submission Date:

Please upload to TURN IT IN by 23:59 Sunday 20th   February 2022

Return Date:

Within 20 working days of submission

Part A: Record of Submission (to be completed by Student)

Extenuating Circumstances

If there are any exceptional circumstances that may have affected your ability to undertake or submit this assignment, make sure you contact the Advice Centre on your campus prior to your submission deadline.

Fit to sit policy:

The University operates a fit to sit policy whereby you, in submitting or presenting yourself for an assessment, are declaring that you are fit to sit the assessment.  You cannot subsequently claim that your performance in this assessment was affected by extenuating factors.

Plagiarism and Unfair Practice Declaration:

By submitting this assessment, you declare that it is your own work and that the sources of information and material you have used (including the internet) have been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required[1].  Additionally, the work presented has not been submitted for any other assessment.  You also understand that the Faculty reserves the right to investigate allegations of plagiarism or unfair practice which, if proven, could result in a fail in this assessment and may affect your progress.

Details of Submission:

Note that all work handed in after the submission date and within 5 working days will be capped at 40%[2].  No marks will be awarded if the assessment is submitted after the late submission date unless extenuating circumstances are applied for and accepted (Advice Shop to be consulted).

Business School submission policy

You are required to submit one copy electronically on Blackboard by 23:59 on the submission date.  Please also note any further instructions for paper submission below.

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Student Number(s):



Principles of Forensic Accounting

Assignment 2021/22

This counts as 50% of your overall module mark

Word limit 2,500

Fraud types

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) has developed the so-called Fraud Tree. Along with other organisations such as the UK’s Action Fraud (AF) – researchers have categorised frauds into numerous (in some cases over 100) different fraud types.

In addition, the recent Covid 19 (CV19) global pandemic has created new opportunities for fraudsters.


Select THREE separate individual frauds. They should be distinct from each other – you can use the “Fraud Tree” or AF site for guidance. At least one such fraud should be related to the CV19 pandemic.

(i) Explain the nature and mechanics of the selected frauds and give a detailed explanation of HOW such frauds would be committed.

(ii) Provide an illustrative diagram (on one side of A4 maximum or one PowerPoint slide per fraud) clearly demonstrating how the identified frauds would be perpetrated.

(iii) Briefly explain what practical controls may be needed to prevent and detect such frauds.

Note: You may choose to find a real life example(s) of such frauds actually occurring. This is not a direct requirement but the real life cases may aid your explanation.

Credit will be given if you identify and explain a complex or unusual type of fraud.

Marking scheme:


Explanation of identified frauds


Quality and clarity of illustrative diagram(s)


Explanation of controls






Please submit a Word file via Turnitin by 23:59 on 20th February 2022. Your “illustrative diagram” should be scanned and included as part of the word file. Explain the nature and mechanics of the selected frauds and give a detailed explanation of HOW such frauds would be committed

[1] University Academic Integrity Regulations

[2] Information on exclusions to this rule is available from Campus Advice Shops

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