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School of Architecture, Engineering, Technology
Module Title:
Professional Practice in Engineering
Module Code:
Author(s)/Marker(s) of Assignment
Assignment No:
Assignment Title:
10 minute presentation
Percentage contribution to module mark:
Weighting of component assessments within this assignment:
Module Learning Outcome/s Covered: (Refer to module syllabus)
Date of issue:
10th Jan 2022
Deadline for submission:
21st Feb 2022 12noon (in-class presentation, submit slides/props to the Assessments and Marks area on MyStudies).
Method of submission:
e-submission (e-submission policy)
Date feedback will be provided
This module aims to develop your professional identify, giving you an opportunity to practice professional skills and associate yourself with the role of an engineer in the professional world and from this develop your own professional learning goals. You need to demonstrate a practical application of engineering, design, and other generic skills, combining theory and experience and relating this to professional settings to establish a professional mindset.
In this task, you need to give a presentation that is less than 10-minutes. This presentation should introduce the portfolio of work you have been conducting as part of this module (including projects, activities, documentation of learning processes and reflection), with specific reference to your progress towards the learning outcomes and personal goals as outlined in your learning agreement. Evaluate technical risks and address risk in design methodology and work with technical uncertainty.
The format of your presentation is flexible, you might want to experiment with new presentation techniques that you’ve not used before, or you can use a technique you know well. Here are a few suggestions:
What you should include in your presentation:
i. A single aim for the project
ii. A set of S.M.A.R.T objectives (about 3or4 is ideal). These should be the key objectives to help you meet your aim.
Appendix 2 has some further guidance on these learning outcomes on how to demonstrate the learning outcomes for this assignment.
Assessment criteria
For this presentation, you will be assessed using the following criteria:
PASS (40%)
Ability to evaluate technical risks and address risk in design methodology and work with technical uncertainty (25%)
Some evidence showing an evaluation of technical risks and working with technical uncertainty but with limited in scope.
Substantial evidence showing a thorough, detailed evaluation of technical risks and a clear ability to work with high levels of technical uncertainty.
Ability to demonstrate effective professional skills including project management, liaise with industrial collaborators and develop their own internal and external professional networks, self-promotion, make presentations, research, and collate technical/other information, use IT, produce reports (e.g., technical, and visual), and search for and evaluate design and research work (35%)
Evidence presented to demonstrate an effective application of most of the listed professional skills, but with some limitations.
A substantial evidence package presented to demonstrate a highly professional application of all of the listed professional skills.
Ability to review appropriate codes of practice, industry standards, management and quality issues and their application to safety and continuous improvement (25%)
Evidence of some of review of codes of practice, industry standards, management and quality issues and some application to safety and continuous improvement but with some limitations.
A substantial evidence package showing a thorough review of codes of practice, industry standards, management and quality issues and a clear and detailed application to safety and continuous improvement.
Professionalism of the presentation (15%)
An organised presentation with an obvious structure and where content is communicated clearly.
A slick, professional pitch in terms of voice projection, timing, structure, use of visual aids and engagement of the audience.
Appendix 1: Five learning agreement prompts
Here are also some further resources on reflective practice and learning contracts.
Appendix 2: support material for each learning outcome in this presentation
Note that this is an excerpt from the fuller ‘learning outcomes and activities mapping’ document presented in the Study Materials area on MyStudies.
LO3 Evaluate technical risks and address risk in design methodology and work with technical uncertainty.
This relates to showing that you have gone through a process of evaluating risks. These could be:
Tools that might be relevant here include: risk assessment, root cause analysis, swot analysis, feasibility study, FMEA, sensitivity analysis, method statements, risk management/planning and possibly others.
There are some good videos/courses on this topic on LinkedInLearning. Other useful resources include:
LO4 Demonstrate effective professional skills including project management, liaise with industrial collaborators and develop their own internal and external professional networks, self-promotion, make presentations, research, and collate technical/other information, use IT, produce reports (e.g., technical, and visual), and search for and evaluate design and research work.
This relates to building your professional skills in as many of these areas as you can, some further notes:
Again, there are great videos/courses on LinkedInlearning on many of these topics. Other useful resources include:
LO5 Review appropriate codes of practice, industry standards, management and quality issues and their application to safety and continuous improvement. d
This can relate in showing an awareness and relating your own practices in general to the codes of conduct or codes of practice of the professional bodies you might want to become members of, e.g.
Or it could relate to British, EU, ISO or ASTM standards that might relate to some activities you’re doing, e.g. in preparing or testing samples according to the standard.
It could also relate to showing an understanding/application of total quality management (TQM), Kaizen/continuous improvement methods, Toyota Production System, Kanban methodology, reliability and quality processes. Evaluate technical risks and address risk in design methodology and work with technical uncertainty.
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