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Overview of assessment tasks
Each task in this assessment brief has been developed to enable you to evidence achievement of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for CMI 504: Managing Performance. Each of the assessment criteria must gain a pass outcome for you to successfully achieve the unit.
Preparation for the assessment
Completing the assessment brief
Learner support
For information regarding policies and procedures for assessment (e.g. special assessment arrangements, learner support, appeals, complaints, certification, confidentiality, plagiarism) you should contact your tutor or Centre manager and refer to the CMI Level 5 in Management and Leadership syllabus.
Managing the performance of staff is essential to the smooth running of an organisation.
Assessment brief UNIT CMI 504 Managing Performance has been designed to evaluate the reasons for managing performance and the approaches that can be used. It explores methods of rewarding the performance of individuals who exceed expectations, and analyses ways of managing under performance in a professional and supportive manner. This unit focuses on the way performance management, when used effectively, is able to impact on individual and organisational achievement.
Assessment brief UNIT CMI 504 Managing Performance features the following assessment tasks. Further detail is provided against each assessment task within the brief.
Assessment Task
Learning outcomes covered by assessment method
Assessment criteria
Guideline word count
Write an account which justifies the rationale for managing performance
LO1 Understand the rational for managing performance within organisations
1.1 Justify the rational for managing performance within organisations
Approx. 500 words
Write a report entitled:
Frameworks, diagnostic and evaluation tools used for performance management
LO2 Understand frameworks, diagnostic and evaluation tools used for performance management
2.1 Examine the impact of legal and organisational frameworks on performance management
Approx. 1000 words
2.2 Evaluate the diagnostic and evaluation tools which support performance management
Write a good practice guide entitled:
Practical approaches for managing performance in the workplace
LO3 Know how to manage performance
3.1 Discuss good practice principles for managing performance
Approx. 2000 words
3.2 Examine the use of formal processes for managing performance
3.3 Analyse the relationship between signs and causes of underperformance
3.4 Evaluate approaches to respond to challenges when managing underperformance
3.5 Recommend techniques for developing and managing individuals who exceed expectations
The written word, however generated and recorded, is still expected to form the majority of assessable work produced by Learners at Level 5. The amount and volume of work for this unit should be broadly comparable to a word count of 3000-3500 words within a margin of +10%. The excessive use of word count is not grounds for referral, however the CMI reserve the right to return work to the Centre for editing and resubmission by the Learner.
The following are excluded from inclusion in word count, if used and not required by the assessment brief an introduction to a job role, organisation or department, index or contents pages, headings and sub headings, diagrams, charts and graphs, reference list or bibliography, reflective statement drawn from undertaking the assignment and how this has impacted on the learner’s work.
Please see the CMI Assessment Guidance Policy for further guidance
When implemented effectively, performance management best practices result in a wide range of benefits for the organisation, managers and employees alike.
Write a compelling account using examples to justify the rationale for managing performance within organisations (AC1.1).
Guidance for completion of Task 1
It is essential to understand the impact of legal and organisational frameworks, and the tools that can be used to support performance management in organisations.
Using well chosen examples, write a report entitled ‘Frameworks, diagnostic and evaluation tools used for performance management’.
The report must:
Guidance for completion of Task 2
Performance has to be managed if individuals are to develop, maintain or improve their knowledge, skills and behaviours. It is not always an easy task.
At one end of the spectrum, individuals who exceed expectations need to be managed effectively so that they are able to maintain their performance and do not lose momentum. In contrast, individuals who consistently fail to achieve their targets or exhibit unsatisfactory behaviour will need to be managed in a structured way to improve their professional practice. 1.1 Justify the rational for managing performance within organisations
SCENARIO UNIT CMI 504 Managing Performance
You work as a manager for an operational department in a large organisation which has ambitions to gain recognition as a ‘Top 100 UK Employer’.
The organisation has a loyal workforce and a low staff turnover, but there is an increasing rise in performance issues among the staff team.
An in-depth review of human resource management practices and results of a staff survey have identified a number of issues
Basing your response on the scenario on page 5, your own experience of managing performance in organisations or using well chosen examples from an organisation you know well or have researched:
Create a good practice guide entitled ‘Practical approaches for managing performance in the workplace’. The good practice guide will be used to equip other managers with an understanding of how to manage performance in a professional manner and ensure that all staff are managed effectively.
The good practice guide must be presented in FIVE (5) sections:
To complete this section of the good practice guide, you are required to use examples to:
Guidance for completion of Task 3
UNIT CMI 504 Managing Performance
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