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Royal Docks School of Business & Law
Assessment Guide
2021–22, Term 2
Module leader and teaching team:
For the further contact details please see module handbook.
Submission deadline: 5 May 2022, 15.00
Weighting: 100% of module marks, This is an individual submission.
Word count: Approx. 1700 and appendices
The word count on the module specification is a maximum figure. It is reduced for this assignment to compensate for the work involved in preparing the appendix.
Submission procedure: Submission should be through Turnitin. No hard copy submission will be accepted.
Return of feedback and marked work: Your marked assignment and individual feedback will be made available through Turnitin
There is one coursework to be submitted for this component. It has two parts: Part A (Report) and Part B (Appendix).
Choose three of the presentations that you will have given in seminars. Use the theory demonstrated in these to assess the sustainability of the organisation* and demonstrate how the use of IT can help maximise performance.
(*The organisation will be different to the organisations covered in the seminars. The list of organisations for the coursework will be provided by the module leader and it will be posted on the module site through ‘Announcement Section’.)
The following assignment instructions provide a more detailed explanation of the requirements for the report submission.
This part of the assignment requires you to:
a) Assess existing practice using operational planning, operations theory, concepts and tools
b) Compare the operations with best practice.
c) Suggest a reason for your findings.
d) Identify how IT helps, or could help deliver efficient operations.
During the semester, you should have created and discussed a range of formative and summative presentations that include an explanation of theory. You are not expected to describe the theory a second time. You are expected to use it. Your research should focus on establishing the nature of operations in your chosen case study. Assess existing practice using operational planning, operations theory, concepts and tools
You are now in a position to complete the written part of your submission: The body of your assessment should focus on reapplying those tools and theories to your chosen organisation in order to establish the extent it demonstrates good practice.
If you choose to structure the main body of your work in a different way, make sure you provide similar coverage of the material.
Keep the headings informative, and remember that “main body” is not appropriate.
Section 1: Outline the product and service including delivery, quality standards, and supply chain, an associated process and the usage of ICT. You should aim at only including description that you will rely on to substantiate your analysis.
Section 2: Analysis of the organisation:
Show the extent that the operation is demonstrating good practice.
Section 3: Explain your findings:
The recommended format, referencing and use of quotations for Part A.
Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:
For this assessment, your "appendix" will be as important as the written report and will attract 40% of the marks. The best two presentations that you have crated and discussed in the seminars will make up the 25% of the appendix whereas LinkedIn Learning Certificate/Badges will contribute the remaining 15% of the appendix
25% Marks for Seminar Presentations:
This part of your work will be marked using the mark awarded at the point of presenting the material in your seminar and submitted to Turnitin by the stipulated date. - if you intend to submit the work without alteration. You will need to list the presentations you intend to refer to on the front sheet.
This part of your work will be based on learning ‘certificate/badges’. A learning badge is a certificate that a person will get when an institution validates the accomplishment of a learning activity such as workshop, conferences, social work or any educational strategy. The badges to be learned and earned are in alignment with this component’s learning and engagement. The Badges would be earned from the LinkedIn Learning platforms. The details are as follows:
Sustainability Strategies
Course link
Supply Chain Foundations
Lean Inventory Management
All three certificates (each carries 5 marks) must be completed by 27 April 2022, 23.59. 50% marks will be deducted for by any completion after the deadline.
You will get guidance in your lectures and on the SG5011 module site that you MUST follow – this will show you how to use your UEL LinkedIn Learning Account (do not use your personal LinkedIn account for this – for reasons that will be made clear) – and show you how to access the correct courses to achieve your certificates.
For both of the above see the ‘Assessment and feedback’ tab on SG5011 MOODLE page.
Part B (Appendix) should have all the three certificates of completion (downloaded as pdf/image file format) and be attached in the main submission after Part A.
The Certificate of Completion must clearly show the name, Name of Course and Completion Date. You will be asked to provide an original pdf copy by the module leader therefore please ensure you keep a copy safely.
An example of certificate is shown below. It clearly shows name (Manish Unhale), Name of Course (Lean Inventory Management), Completion Date (Jan 06, 2022 at 02.27 PM UTC). Assess existing practice using operational planning, operations theory, concepts and tools
SG5011: Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management
Marking criteria
Part A (Report)
Provision of necessary background information
The application of concepts and tools
Analysis of the operation
Overall presentation including referencing
Part B (Appendix):
Marks for the best two presentation will be added by the seminar tutor
Three badges/certificates of completion uploaded by the student
Provision of necessary background information.
The extent to which it fits the subsequent analysis.
The accuracy and understanding of the concepts and tools that are demonstrated.
Your conclusion, including the supporting reasoning. Could this report be given to the company concerned? Would they consider it demonstrates sufficient understanding of their particular situation?
Structure, writing style and referencing technique
Assessment Standards
First (70% or above)
Ideas critically analysed
Argument is clear, succinct and well supported.
Evidence of a wide range of reading and some independent thought.
Upper second (60-69%)
Critical consideration of relevant ideas.
Arguments are precisely defined and appropriately referenced.
The work is structurally sound and well written.
Lower second (50-59%)
Reasonable understanding of the relevant concepts, but some inconsistencies in application.
Arguments are referenced, but disjointed. Poor structure, spelling or grammar.
Third (40-49%)
Generally descriptive work with limited evidence of a critical consideration of ideas.
Inadequate referencing.
Weaknesses in structure, spelling and grammar.
(below 40%)
Poorly referenced
Argument indicates little use of relevant literature. Chaotic structure and generally badly written
No reference to theory
This coursework’s weight upon the overall module is 100%. There are no other than the assessment component specified in this assessment guide.
There is no formative assessment and students are rather asked to discuss their drafts in the provided assessment clinic(s).
No Abstract – Please note that an abstract shall not be added.
Embed all own figures in text (not in an appendix) and embed own tables as well as tables essential for understanding into the text sections as well (not in appendices). Use a maximum of three figures and five tables.
Appendices – Extensive appendices should be avoided. Pure raw data tables do not add to the word count and may be appropriate to document scattered data sources.
The references list section is excluded from word count.
Please make sure that there is data publicly available or well documented in press or trade publications. Do not choose case examples where information is not accessible. The choice of the material and case is up to you and marking cannot be accommodating for a lack of insight due to a poor choice of material.
Do not choose a case that you have found fully written up online or in a book. You must not rewrite an already published case study.
For the re-sit assignment (as per continuous assessment policy), the same task outlined in this document applies. However, you will have to improve your first submission based on the feedback and comments provided by the tutor.
Deadlines and any further terms, if applicable, for the re-sit assessment will be published on the Moodle site in due course.
Re-sit assessment support will be provided, with appointments to be arranged.
We strongly suggest that you try to submit all coursework by the deadline. However, in our regulations, UEL permits students to submit their coursework up to 24 hours after the deadline. The deadline is published in this module guide. Coursework which is submitted late, but within 24 hours of the deadline, will be assessed but subjected to a fixed penalty of 5% of the total marks available (as opposed to marks obtained). This is, 5 out of 100 total marks available.
If you submit twice, once before the deadline and once during the 24 hour late period, then the second submission will be marked and 5% of the total marks available deducted. This rule only applies to coursework. It does not apply to examinations, presentations, performances, practical assessments or viva voce examinations. If you miss these for a genuine reason, then you will need to apply for extenuating circumstances, or accept that you will receive a zero mark.
Please refer to the UEL intranet for our Extenuation Policies. Extenuation requires a proper formal application and cannot be just agreed with faculty. The links to the forms and policies are provided on the module’s Moodle site.
Further information is available in the Assessment and Feedback Policy at https://www.uel.ac.uk/Discover/Governance/Policies-Regulations-Corporate-documents/Student-Policies (click on other policies)
As a student you will be taught how to write correctly referenced essays using UEL`s standard Harvard referencing system from Cite Them Right. Cite them Right is the standard Harvard referencing style at UEL for all Schools apart from the School of Psychology which uses the APA system. This book will teach you all you need to know about Harvard referencing, plagiarism and collusion. The electronic version of “Cite Them Right: the essential referencing guide” 9th edition, can be accessed whilst on or off campus, via UEL Direct. The book can only be read online and no part of it can be printed nor downloaded. Further information is available at: https://uelac.sharepoint.com/LibraryandLearningServices/Pages/default.a spx
Your word count does not include your contents page, the reference list and the pure data tables in appendices. Exceeding the maximum word count will result in a penalty of 10% of your marks for your work. If your work is significantly shorter than 1700 words, then you will probably have failed to provide the reasonable level of detail required.
Notice is hereby given that all submissions must be submitted to Turnitin. If you fail to submit the coursework to Turnitin, in accordance with the guidance provided on the Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle), a mark of 0 will be awarded for the component.
There are two main reasons we want you to use Turnitin:
UEL has permitted students to be able to submit their coursework up to 24 hours after the deadline. Assessments that are submitted up to 24 hours late are still marked, but with a 5% deduction. However, you have to be very careful when you are submitting your assessment. If you submit your work twice, once using the original deadline link and then again using the late submission link on Turnitin, your assignment will be graded as late with the penalty deduction (see previous section “Late submission and extenuation”).
Please don’t wait until the last minute to submit your assessments electronically. If you experience a problem submitting your work with Turnitin, you should notify your lecturer/tutor by email immediately. However, deadlines are not extended unless there is a significant systems problem with Turnitin. UEL has specific plans in place to address these issues. If UEL finds that the issue with the system was significant, you will receive an email notifying you of the issue and that you have been given a 24 hour extension. If you don’t receive any email that specifically states you have been given an extension, then the original deadline has not been changed.
To claim any significant issue with IT, you shall have contacted the IT Helpdesk via The Hub first and provide tangible evidence to the lecturers concerning the IT issue.
Feedback for the submitted coursework will be provided via TurnItIn. Students please access that feedback via the TurnItIn link on the module’s Moodle site. The seminar tutors are available in their office hours, where a meeting on the feedback were required and appropriate.
Marks will be disseminated electronically as well, via Grademark Assess existing practice using operational planning, operations theory, concepts and tools
Assessment support has been designed into the module programme. Students should make sure that they have identified specific questions for these events. Students who miss the assessment clinics but seek additional advice will need to justify this behaviour with good causes.
Peer support – Although it might be useful to discuss your ideas and views, please carefully note: The assignment is an individual task. You must not collaborate on the assignment. We have zero tolerance for collusion and plagiarism.
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