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Academic year and term:
2021 – Semester One
Module title:
Understanding Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Module code:
Module Convenor:
Learning outcomes assessed within this piece of work as agreed at the programme level meeting
On successful completion of this module students will be able to
Type of assessment:
1) Formative assessment: Essay plan to be emailed to seminar tutors
2) Summative assessment:
Assessment deadline:
On-line test: week 10; Essay submission: TBC
Your summative assessment for this module takes two forms:
1. Online test (20%): The test will be set on Moodle and students can do it anywhere in a specific time slot e.g. five days. Students can only take the online test once. All questions are randomly selected by the system from a question set database. Also, the answer options to each question will be automatically randomised by the system. As such, it is highly improbable that any two students will get the exact same questions with the same sequence of options. The test consists of 30 questions. The test will be 45 minutes in duration. The test will take place during week 10. Students should be aware that there will be a penalty of mark deduction where more than the stipulated 45 minutes time allocated is exceeded. Once the test is started, a countdown timer is displayed on the screen, so students should take particular note of this. You will be able to develop your understandings of operations, logistics and SCM in organisations and how these contribute to organisational success
Those students who are entitled to extra time should attempt the test using the ‘Extended time’ link on Moodle. As with all other assessments, if a student does not take the test within the stipulated period, no re-sit will be permitted unless there is valid mitigating circumstance (s) which will have to be presented for consideration. If any student fails the test, but their essay allows them to pass overall, they will be given an overall pass. If any student fails the test and their essay does not allow them to pass overall, they will be given an opportunity to re-sit for the online test. You will be able to develop your understandings of operations, logistics and SCM in organisations and how these contribute to organisational success. The online test includes 20% weight of the final mark. It will be scored out of 100%.
2. Individual essay (80%): this is an individual assignment as an essay in 2000 words. You must choose an organisation or business like an automotive company (in manufacturing industry) or a hospital (in service sector). You are not supposed to choose any company which we are dealing with in seminars like Arnold Palmer hospital or Frito Lay. You need to produce an essay elaborating on the key operation, logistics and supply chain management issues faced by the operations and supply chain manager(s) in this particular organisation / business.
You can collect data from resources like websites, books, journal articles and grey reports. Some case studies are available to help you collect required data.
By focusing on the operational and supply chain issues, you should seek to identify and clarify how the operation functions and supports the market that it serves. What service delivery system (s) or manufacturing process (es) does it use? What infrastructure does it use to manage these delivery systems? And how, together, do these support the market (s) that it serves? A critical, detailed and relevant analysis should be made of the various components.
Based on your analysis, you are expected to make recommendations about how the business can improve its performance. Consider triple bottom line - described as the incorporation of economic, environmental and social factors as the three dimensions of sustainability in business practice - in your analysis.
As it might be impossible to analyse all the areas of operations, logistics and supply chain management, you should also decide which area (s) to cover in your discussion. You will be able to develop your understandings of operations, logistics and SCM in organisations and how these contribute to organisational success. Therefore, choose two of the following list in managing operations, logistics and supply chain. Understanding Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management You will be able to develop your understandings of operations, logistics and SCM in organisations and how these contribute to organisational success
To conduct writing the essay, students need to read and refer to core text books and academic journals as well as source of their data collection (mentioned before).
The essay will be assessed according to the following criteria:
Introduction (10%)
Review of relevant Operation, Logistics and Supply Chain Management theories (30%)
Critical analytic discussion with relevant and similar example(s) and applying appropriate solutions of Operations Management (30%)
Conclusion and recommendation (20%)
Clarity of writing, essay structure, correct referencing (10%)
Formative Assessment
You should write down an essay plan (500 words) to introduce
- selected business/ organisation
- two selected areas of Operations and Supply Chain Management
- theories and techniques that should be applied
- potential areas of improvement which need to be reviewed critically
You should email the essay plan to your seminar tutor in week 4. You can book an appointment with your seminar tutor in week 7 (reading week) to receive individual feedback and discuss your essay plan.
How will we support you with your assessment?
How will your work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed by a subject expert who will use the marking grid provided in this assessment brief. When you access your marked coursework it is important that you reflect on the feedback so that you can use it to improve future assignments. Understanding Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
You MUST use the Harvard System. The Harvard system is very easy to use once you become familiar with it. You will be able to develop your understandings of operations, logistics and SCM in organisations and how these contribute to organisational success
The Business School requires a digital version of all assignment submissions. These must be submitted via Turnitin on the module’s Moodle site. They must be submitted as a Word file (not as a pdf) and must not include scanned in text or text boxes. They must be submitted by 2pm on the given date. For further general details on coursework preparation refer to the online information via StudentZone http://studentzone.roehampton.ac.uk/howtostudy/index.html.
The instruction for the resit online test will be as same as the original online test. Please check the Moodle for more information.
For students who are offered a resit you are required to improve and resubmit your original work as well as adding a further reflective commentary discussing what you have learned from the process. You must resubmit your work using the specific resit Turnitin link on Moodle.
You should:
i) Identify tutor feedback points on your original work and identify where/how the resit work has changed (give page number) in response to feedback ii) Identify the lessons you have learnt from doing the resit iii) Reflect on how your feedback and this process will help you improve future assignments
If you did not submit work at the first opportunity you cannot reflect on your feedback. However, you are still required to submit a reflective piece in which you identify your reasons for non-submission, the implications of non-submission for your future success and how you propose to address this in the future. If you have issues with confidentiality of your reasons for non-submission then you could reflect on how you have met the learning outcomes for the module, how you can use what you have done on the module to support your future career and what skills/employability attributes you feel the module has helped you to develop. You will be able to develop your understandings of operations, logistics and SCM in organisations and how these contribute to organisational success
If you were deferred at the first assessment opportunity you do not need to include the reflective piece as this is a first submission at a later date, not a resit.
The original marking criteria will still apply (see marking grid provided above*) except that the 10% weighting for presentation will be awarded instead to your reflective piece
The University Mitigating Circumstances Policy can be found on the University website - Mitigating Circumstances Policy Understanding Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks within 20 working days, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go through to ensure that students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief summary is provided below.
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