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Course: CIPD Level 7 Advanced Diploma in HR Management
Topic: Leadership and Management Development
Unit Assessment Criteria:
1 Explain and critically analyse the concepts of leadership and management and their application in an organisational, social and environmental context.
The distinctive concepts of leadership and management; differing complementary and contrasting models of leadership; the relationship between leadership and management components in managers’ roles; the changing occupational and professional standards and qualifications for managers; the organisational context of leadership and management; the nature of managerial work, roles, politics and ethics; the impact of environmental, financial and social factors on managers’ roles, including role ambiguity and role conflict; ethical issues and dilemmas and social responsibility inherent in a manager’s role.
2 Evaluate, select and apply a range of approaches to identifying leadership and management development needs in differing organisational contexts.
The identification of organisational objectives and their impact on leadership and management development requirements; analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of techniques for identifying and analysing leadership and management development needs at recruitment/promotion and progression stages; impact of organisational change on leadership and management development needs; how managers learn and the role of stakeholders in analysing need; formal and informal learning, experiential learning, reflective practice; identification of environmental, social and organisational factors influencing the leadership and management needs of managers; analysis of learning needs from various evidential data; assessment and development centres; role identification competency framework, benchmarking; professional leadership and management standards; prioritising leadership and management development needs in the context of organisational requirements; senior management development needs; the impact of leadership and management development needs on the performance of colleagues; individual needs and aspirations and organisational requirements.
3 Critically analyse and evaluate approaches to the formulation and implementation of leadership and management development strategies to meet current and future organisational needs.
The external context of management development: the relevance of management development to various interest groups and organisations; dominant ideas among management development practitioners; management development in major competitive environments, especially the USA, Japan and continental Europe; management development implications of takeovers and mergers and of other forms of organisational change and restructuring.
The process of formulating management development strategy: different strategy-making modes; methods and problems in achieving vertical fit of management development strategy with corporate strategy and horizontal fit with HR policy and practice; the impact of politics on management development strategy-making.
How to tailor management development strategies to different organisational contexts: distinctive approaches for large and smaller organisations; management development in forprofit and not-for-profit organisations; and management development strategies for diversified workforces.
How to work with organisational stakeholders to formulate and implement management development strategy: how to identify stakeholders and their goals in the strategy-making process; processes to tackle tensions in stakeholder goals and expectations; the need to gain and maintain a partnership approach to the development and implementation of management development strategy and plans; issues of equality of access and opportunity in management development activity.
4 Design, critically evaluate and advise on a range of leadership and management interventions to implement leadership and management development strategies and plans.
Methods of assessing the past organisational and individual value of the management development investment; assessing the likely future value of different management development options for the organisation and individuals; how to identify and secure financial and non-financial resources needed to implement management development strategy; networking and benchmarking and other methods of keeping track of new thinking and ideas; how managers learn including learning styles, formal and informal learning, opportunities for learning, for example action learning, coaching and mentoring.
Challenges in the design of management development processes and programmes: how to involve key stakeholders in the design, delivery, evaluation and continuous improvement of management development activity; how to design relevant development programmes for different levels of management, including those in transition to director/board-level roles; how to ensure the acquisition, adoption and internalisation of appropriate management skills, knowledge and values.
The selection and evaluation of modes, methods and techniques for management learning: assessing the relative costs, feasibility and impact of learner-centred and trainer-driven approaches; processes and methods for the collaborative monitoring and evaluation of management development activity; frameworks and processes for the management development audit.
5 Work collaboratively, ethically and effectively to support a partnership approach to leadership and management development.
The performance management process: the determination of management competencies needed for effective performance; the choice, use and value of competency frameworks in managerial work; performance appraisal and feedback systems; management incentive and reward systems; common barriers to development in performance management systems, and how to tackle them.
How to work collaboratively in management development activity to improve managers’ current performance: supporting individual managers as developers of others; facilitating the development of groups of managers; development/use of behavioural and functional competency frameworks.
6 Explain and evaluate the role of leadership and management development in enhancing and developing organisational competence.
Current trends in organisational design and their implications for management roles and tasks: tools for designing and managing changes in: organisational structure and culture; business processes and routines; inter-organisational business and knowledge networks. The role and tasks of managers in the development and management of organisational knowledge and how to identify and tackle problems in knowledge management; strategies and processes to develop collective experiential learning and interactive reflective practice; the importance of a partnership approach in the knowledge management process; management development tools to support specific strategic initiatives at corporate/organisational and business unit/team levels.
7 Critically assess and evaluate approaches to the development of leadership and management in international and global contexts.
The perspective and environment of international management: major international trends and differences in the socio-political environment and managers; major HR and industrial relations policies, practices and methods relating to managers in Europe and other international competitor countries; the background for strategic planning in the international context; the developing global environment of management activity and its implications for management development, including the globalisation of business through the impact of innovative technology and the accelerating pace of global mergers and their impact on the business environment.
The development of international and global managers: criteria for choosing international postings or purchasing country-based talent; methods of gaining international experience; identifying, understanding and working effectively with cultural and HR management differences. Explain and critically analyse the concepts of leadership and management and their application in an organisational, social and environmental context.
8 Act ethically and professionally with a demonstrated commitment to leadership and management development and to continuous personal and professional development.
Ethical and professional frameworks and codes of practice; methods of self-assessment and self-development for management development practitioners; the identification and use of national occupational and professional standards and qualifications relevant for management development practitioners; information sources to give guidance on current and emerging ethical issues affecting the practice of management development; the skills needed by: management development specialists to work as consultants and business partners in the management development process; by managers to develop other managers; by managers and others aspiring to that level and to assess and continuously develop their own managerial competence and potential.
Suggested Reading:
Essential Reading -
1 GOLD, J., THORPE, R. and MUMFORD, A. (2010) Leadership and management development. 5th ed. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
2 GRINT, K. (2010) Leadership: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Textbook Reading -
1 ADAIR, J. (2019) Develop your leadership skills. 4th ed. London: Kogan Page.
2 AVOLIO, B. (2011) Full range leadership development. London: Sage.
3 CHAPMAN, T., BEST, B. and VAN CASTEREN, P. (2003) Executive coaching: exploding the myths. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
4 CLUTTERBUCK, D. (2014) Everyone needs a mentor: fostering talent in your organisation. 5th ed. London: CIPD Kogan Page.
5 GIBB, S. (2011) Human resource development: foundations, process, context. 3rd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
6 HARRISON, R. (2009) Learning and development. 5th ed. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
7 HOLLYFORDE, S. and WHIDDETT, S. (2006) The motivation handbook. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
8 MARCHINGTON, M. and WILKINSON, A. (2016) Human resource management at work. 6th ed. London: CIPD Kogan Page.
9 MINTZBERG, H. (2004) Managers not MBAs: a hard look at the soft practice of managing and management development. London: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
10 NORTHOUSE, P. (2018) Leadership: theory and practice. 8th ed. London: Sage.
11 PEDLER, M., BURGOYNE, J. and BOYDELL, T. (2013) A manager’s guide to self- development. 6th ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill.
12 PINNINGTON, A., MACKLIN, R. and CAMPBELL, T. (eds). (2007) Human resource management: ethics and employment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
13 REES, G. and FRENCH, R. (2016) Leading, managing and developing people. 5th ed. London: CIPD Kogan Page.
14 REID, M.A., BARRINGTON, H. and BROWN, M. (2004) Human resource development: beyond training interventions. 7th ed. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
15 STEWART, J. and RIGG, C. (2011) Learning and talent development. London: CIPD Kogan Page
16 STOREY, J. (ed). (2016) Leadership in organisations: current issues and key trends. 3rd ed. Abingdon: Routledge.
17 STOREY, J., WRIGHT, P. and ULRICH, D. (eds). (2009) The Routledge companion to strategic human resource management. 2nd ed. London: Routledge.
18 VANCE, C. and PAIK, Y. (2014) Managing a global workforce: challenges and opportunities in international human resource management. 3rd ed. Abingdon: Routledge
19 WINSTANLEY, D. (2005) Personal effectiveness: a guide to action. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Key Journals -
1 Career Development International
2 Employee Relations
3 Human Resource Management Journal
Available at: https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/journals
4 International Journal of Human Resource Management
Available at:https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/journals
5 Journal of Management Development
6 Leadership and Organisation Development Journal
7 Management Learning
8 People Management
Available at: https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/
9 Personnel Review
Summative Assessment:
Learning Outcomes -
1 Explain and critically analyse the concepts of leadership and management and their application in an organisational, social, environmental and multicultural context.
Assessment brief/activity -
Read the case below and respond to the questions that follow:
Garvey Group is a family-owned retail and hotel company in Ireland, with 13 stores and hotels across the south of the country. A core belief is that investment in employee’s learning and talent development produces results to the bottom line. A modified balanced scorecard (Kaplan and Norton, 1996) is used to provide a framework for integrating learning and development into the overall business strategy.
A corporate recruitment and training plan is prepared annually, costed and evaluated through measures such as sales and profitability. Linked to this a similar annual plan is prepared for each branch. Existing employees’ training needs are identified using the appraisal system, with the dual objectives of both providing opportunity for individuals to self-identify learning needs as well as informing a needs analysis conducted by HR for each job role. Induction and initial training for new starters is also planned at store level.
The company uses a competence-based framework, with much emphasis put on behavioural competences applicable to all jobs, such as customer care, working as a team and ‘subtle selling’. The framework informs job design, selection and reward as well as learning and development. For managers in particular, as well as the core competences great emphasis is placed on leadership skills, decision making, strategic thinking and interpersonal skills based on high emotional intelligence. These skills are seen as essential for achieving business strategy, because sales, repeat business and reputation are so fundamental to corporate performance in this sector and managers are responsible for ensuring all staff contribute to achieving those measures.
When management training and development is planned, objectives are set for metrics such as increase in sales and return on investment.
Source: Based on a case in Stewart and Rigg, 2011
1 What contribution can leadership as opposed to management development make to successful performance in the Garvey Group?
2 How can theory related to leadership inform leadership development in the Group?
3 How can and should HR professionals work with others within the Group to ensure effective leadership development?
All submissions should be in the region of 3,000 words plus or minus 10% and references should be added in the Harvard Referencing Format.
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