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Suggested Assignment structure (audio file)
Your assessment will take the form of a 3,000 word (you are allowed to go over by 10% making it a maximum of 3,300 words) submission consisting of three parts in total. You should look at 5 cases of businesses that have attracted attention due to some aspect of practice. You should choose the ONE of these that interests you and complete the following.
This part is based on the selected company. Please remember there are 5 company case studies available and you need to choose one.
The suggested word count for this part of your assignment is 1200—1400 WORDS without the references. The main materials could be found in weeks 1, 2 and 3.
This part should consist of five main sections:
Please provide a reference list for this part.
This part is also based on your selected case study.
The suggested word count for this part is 900-1000 words. The key materials could be found in weeks 3, 4 and 5.
This part should consist of 4 sections:
Recommended Theories: Below is a list of suggested theories students could use for each of the case studies.
Southern Water- Utilitarianism or Virtues theories
Hospitality Industry- Rights or Social Justice theories, Kant’s theory- this is a single case situation and is not replicated in any other industry
Ocado- Human Rights and Kant’s theories- minimum wage and equality issues. John Rawls, Social Justice and John Locke’s theories can also be used, so can egoism due to the self interest of the company over its employees.
British Gas- Egoism theory due to the self-interest of the company over its employees. Is it fair or legal? As they are denying staff of their rights. Utilitarianism- are they doing for the overall greater good or just for their own company gain to make more money- Adam Smith theory.
This part requires you to provide a reflective essay on ethical leadership management. This part is NOT related to the case study. This part of the assignment requires you to discuss what makes an ethical leader and how you would, as an ethical manager, manage your business and/or others to a high ethical standard.
The suggested word count should be 850-950 words. The key materials can be found in weeks 6, 8 and 9.
This part should include four sections:
Please provide a reference list for this part
This is a recommendation and following this structure does not automatically guarantee a high mark. You mark depends on a number of other factors such as your writing style, understanding of the course material, application/analysis, grammar and references.
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View our samples written by our professional writers to let you comprehend how your work is going to look like. We have categorised this into 3 categories with a few different subject domains