Choose an existing company with any type of international activity. This company must operate in both of your chosen countries, e.g. exporting to them, as part of a joint venture, via a subsidiary etc.

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SOE11146 Business Economics and Finance in a Global Environment

Economics Assignment Brief

A. Assignment question

A major multinational corporation has appointed you as an economic advisor. You are requested to compile a report regarding the macroeconomic environment in two countries where the company operates and explain how it might affect the company’s economic activity.

B. Specifications

  1. Choose an existing company with any type of international activity. This company must operate in both of your chosen countries, e.g. exporting to them, as part of a joint venture, via a subsidiary etc.
  2. CHOOSE only ONE PRODUCT or one group of products that your company sells in both of your chosen countries. Please note that companies may have a wide portfolio of goods and/or services, but you should only analyse one of them in this report, so that your analysis may be feasible.
  3. Choose the two countries from section C below: one country from List 1 and one country from List 2.
  4. The analysis in your report must include:
    • A brief description of the company, and a clear statement of the product/group of products that you chose to focus your analysis on in both countries.
    • An analysis of the market structure (competition) in which your company operates in the two countries.
    • A comparative analysis of the impact that the major macroeconomic indicators (listed in Section D below) have on company’s economic activity (costs, revenues and profits) in the two countries of your choice.
    • An analysis of the impact that monetary and fiscal policy instruments that are relevant to your company has on company’s economic activity (costs, revenues and profits) in the two countries of your choice.
    • An analysis of the impact that relevant foreign trade policy instruments, which derive from your two countries’ WTO and/or RTA memberships, has on company’s economic activity (costs and revenues) both countries.

C. Country Lists

List 1

List 2











South Korea






United Kingdom

South Africa

United States


D. Macroeconomic indicators[1] to be analysed for the last 10 available  years:

  1. GDP growth rate
  2. GDP per capita, constant (USD) prices, PPP
  3. Inflation rate
  4. Unemployment rate (ILO measure)
  5. Monetary Policy Interest Rate
  6. General government balances/Government budget (% of GDP)
  7. Current Account Balance (% of GDP)
  8. Exchange rates (National Currency/USD OR National Currency/Euro)[2]

E. Project 1 Submission Guidelines


2,500 words, +/- 10% (excluding tables, graphs, footnotes, appendices, and references)


Arial 12 fonts, 1 ½ spacing, justified text


Use APA7 Referencing Style

F. Marking criteria and weights



Brief description of the company and analysis of the market structure in which the company operates for the two countries


Data collection (last 10 years of available data), comparative analysis of major macroeconomic indicators and impact on firm’s economic activity


Analysis of monetary, fiscal and foreign trade policy instruments for the two countries and their impact on firm’s economic activity


Report structure, presentation and references



[1] We recommend that you use the IMF database to collect your data for most of these macroeconomic indicators, but other trusted sources can be accessed, such as Trading Economics.

[2] ibid

Economic Report: Macroeconomic Environment in Two Countries and Its Impact on Economic Activity

Company: Unilever PLC
Countries: United States and China

1. Introduction

As the appointed economic advisor to Unilever PLC, a major multinational corporation involved in consumer goods, this report will analyse the macroeconomic environment in two countries where the company operates: the United States and China. Unilever has a significant presence in both countries through manufacturing plants, distribution channels, and local subsidiaries. The macroeconomic conditions in these two economies will be assessed to understand how they affect Unilever`s economic activity, particularly in terms of production, sales, and profitability.

2. Macroeconomic Environment in the United States

The United States (US) is one of Unilever`s largest markets, contributing a substantial portion of the company`s revenue through the sale of household, personal care, and food products.

2.1 GDP Growth

The US has consistently maintained a relatively stable GDP growth rate, though it has faced volatility in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic and global economic disruptions. In 2024, the US economy is expected to experience moderate growth as it continues its recovery. However, inflationary pressures and tighter monetary policy may temper this growth. Unilever`s sales performance in the US may benefit from consumer demand recovery but could face challenges due to economic uncertainty.


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