1.1 Identify organisational targets relevant to the team

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Delivery of Site Operations and Logistics for the Construction Sector

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If you have any questions about this workbook contact your tutor Andy Lee (nick.severn@keystonetrainingltd.co.uk) in the first instance or the Academy Team (academy@cala.co.uk) if you require further assistance.

Please note that the suggested word counts given are a MINIMUM. If you write less than this, you are unlikely to have given enough information to pass that question and might be asked to provide a longer answer. Within reason, writing more words can give you a better chance of a “pass” or even a “good pass”.

Guidance for Delegates

Please refer to the notes and exercises from Module 3 to help answer these questions. Answer from the position of your own role and use examples where you feel they will help explain your thinking.

Section 1

1.1 Identify organisational targets relevant to the team

For each of the below, provide one example of your team targets and detail how they contribute to a well-run site.


Setting personal tasks/goals, reviewing previous days tasks. Site inspection.

Explain more


Programming of works, material planning sub-contractor labour planning.

Explain more


NHBC review, CML’s , Health and safety review. Site manager meetings.

Explain more.

1.2 Explain how to set SMART objectives for the team to achieve the targets

What is a SMART objective?

How do SMART objectives help you to achieve your team targets?

Give an example of a SMART objective you have set previously - was it successful and why/why not?

1.3 Describe a technique to plan to achieve the objectives

What is the S.T.O.P approach?

How does the S.T.O.P approach help you to plan your day to achieve your SMART objectives?

1.4 Explain how to monitor and control a planned activity

How do you use a site plan to monitor and control your team’s activities on site?

Give three specific examples of when you have used the site plan to make sure your team was doing the right things at the right time:


Material call offs – using the site programme I was able to call of material well in advance which saved the any shortages that may occur had we waited the week before to call them material off


Delays- We were able to change our build programme around the bad weather forecast over winter by 2 weeks so that the build bever stopped during that time and works continued to the best that they could.


Sub-contractor performance labour allocation – using the programme we are able to allocate certain trades to jobs well in advance so that the sub-contractor knows to have labour on site for specific jobs.

1.5 Explain the importance of the supply chain in delivering results and meeting customer requirements

What is involved in Supply Chain Management?

There are 5 elements to supply chain management they are. Purchasing- Operations-Logistics-Resource Management-Information Workflo

Why is Supply Chain Management important in getting the right results and meeting customer requirements?

Delivery of programme

Highlights any lead time issues with material.

Can lead to having the correct quality

Can save material laying around and getting damaged.

Relationships with suppliers

Pick one element of the Supply Chain Management process and give an example of when you have taken charge of a situation within that area.

The ordering of material just now during covid is the worst it has been since my start at cala. I now have to have a weekly checklist that goes through the suppliers and I organise and liaise with them for lead times and having what I have ordered to site.

This keeps the material coming in but also highlights any issues further down the line.


1.6 Explain how environmental issues impact upon the planning of site operations and logistics

Describe at least TWO environmental issues that you have to consider when running a site:


The issue is:

Its impact on planning site operations and logistics is:

I manage this by:


The issue is:

Its impact on planning site operations and logistics is:

I manage this by:

1.7 Describe what action the supervisor can take to enable the organisation to fulfil its environmental responsibilities

Choose one example (e.g., waste, water, utilities) of how site management professionals can contribute to improving environmental impact on site. Please reference any relevant legislation or CALA policies and procedures.

Section 2

2.1 Identify resources required to complete a planned activity

What is a Scope of Works (SOW)?

A scope of works is a document made about what work will be done (deliverables) it may also state timelines in when work will be done and by who. You may also set out milestones to keep track along the way

There are 4 parts to sow. Deliverables, timeline, milestones reporting,

What is the relationship between the SOW and the resources needed to build?

Why is it important to get the SOW correct and what can happen to resources if it is incorrect?

It is important to get the SOW correct so that resources don’t go to waste.

2.2 Explain how to allocate work to team members

What is important to get right when allocating work to team members, and why?

Its important to get right the allocating of work to team members because it could affect our programme and could cost money as. Its important they understand the tasks given to them.

What is your process for allocating tasks to team members?

We hold weekly meetings with sub-contractors to make sure they understand both what is the job in hand but also the time scales and how the work will be carried out.

How do you make sure the team member has understood their responsibilities?

I review work at key build stages to check that the sub-contractor understands what is expected of them. I also like to have daily walk arounds checking other areas or work like there health and safety and that they are on track to meet given targets.

2.3 Describe how individual performance can be improved through a clear allocation of responsibilities

When you give a team member some clear responsibilities and tasks, how does this help to improve their performance?

I feel that giving a clear and personal delivery of what is expected to a sub-contractor improves there performance as it’s a indication of how I would like that job done and how I expect them to perform appose to it being diluted by a supervisor who may not have the same passion and drive I have to see the work carried out to the high standards set by myself. A example of this was I once told a supervisor that the guys on site had to start cleaning the cavities daily as it was important for the pride in the job award. That supervisor didn’t feel that it was important enough for him to tell his labour this so he never passed on that message as his standard of work isn’t as high as my own. I know drive quality into the labour myself through clear allocation and responsibilities.

2.4 Explain how to assess and support individual and team performance in achieving objectives

In what ways can an ASM or SM assess individual and team performance in achieving objectives? (By “assess”, we mean weigh up the strengths and weaknesses to decide what is going well and what could be improved.)

In what ways can an ASM or SM support individual and team performance in achieving objectives?

Section 3

3.1 Identify a possible cause of variance from a planned activity

Consider a time on your site where a variance (deviation problem) occurred, and something did not go according to the plan:

What was the planned activity?

How did you identify that a variance had occurred?

What do you think caused the variance?

3.2 Identify actions to overcome causes of variance

Using the same example of a variance that you wrote about in 3.1, please describe what action you took or could have taken to overcome the cause of the variance:

3.3 Describe how to recognise and rectify poor performance

Describe three examples of poor performance you have dealt with on site previously.


I knew there was a performance issue because…

I improved the performance by…


I knew there was a performance issue because…

I improved the performance by…


I knew there was a performance issue because…

I improved the performance by…


3.4 Explain how to involve team members in identifying ways to improve performance to meet objectives

How do you involve team members in identifying ways to improve performance in order to meet the team’s objectives? Your answer could include one or more of the following: assumption busting, absence thinking, brainstorming techniques, meetings and planning events, or other methods of your own.

Section 4

4.1 Explain why quality is important to internal and external customers

Why does quality matter to internal and external customers? Provide two reasons for each.

Internal stakeholders (e.g. other departments, management)

1. the cala brand, reputation of company. Repeat business from quality

2. lower costs over period of time get it right first time. Charge a higher price for a more quality product.

External stakeholders (e.g. customers, suppliers, subcontractors)

1. Reputation, Pride in their home.

2.repreat of business down the line.


4.2 Describe the quality system used on site

What quality-related systems and/or tools do you use to ensure CALA maintain their 5-star homebuilder status? Remember to explain things such as The CALA Way procedures, CALA Minimum Standards, and Home Passport.

4.3 Explain how a supervisor will locate and interpret the appropriate quality specifications

Where would you find quality specifications such as The CALA Way procedures, CALA Minimum Standards, and Home Passport?

How do you make sure you understand what they require you to do? (Consider things such as receiving training, asking questions to check understanding, etc.


4.4 Explain how quality is monitored, documented and recorded on site

How is quality on site documented (i.e. planning on paper or digitally what needs to be done) by you and other people?

How is quality on site monitored (i.e. reviewed and checked) by you and other people?

How is quality on site recorded (i.e. a record of what actually happened) by you and other people?


4.5 Explain the importance of method statements in achieving the required quality standards

What is a method statement?

What should it include?

How does it contribute to delivering quality homes?


4.6 Explain how the supervisor can take practical and positive steps to improve quality on site

Using the D.M.A.I.C_Lean Six Sigma approach give TWO examples of ways a manager can use this approach to improve quality on site.

Example One

Example Two


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