1. An explanation of how you used the Integrated Development Environment to complete the tasks (20%).

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School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics

Assessment Details and Brief

Module Code:


Module Title:

Embedded Systems

Author(s)/marker(s) of assessment:

Saeed Malekshahi

Assessment number:


Assessment title:

Learning Journal 1:

Programming Embedded Systems using ‘C’ Language

Choice of assessment:


Percentage contribution to module mark:


Weighting of components within this assessment:

Task 1 20%

Task2 40%

Task3 40%

Module learning outcome(s) assessed:

LO2, LO4

The assessment is marked anonymously

☐  Yes

☒  No

Date of issue:

12 October 2021

Deadline for submission:

17 January 2022

Method of submission:


Date feedback will be provided:

14-February 2022

Assessment brief

For this assessment, you will undertake three lab tasks which will develop your understanding of the topics taught in this module.


You must create a learning journal (word format) that documents the tasks that you have completed.


For each task you must include:

  1. An explanation of how you used the Integrated Development Environment to complete the tasks (20%).
  2. The flow charts or pseudo code together with a description of your algorithm(s) (35%).
  3. A well-structured ‘C’ program with full comments [Arduino sketches] (35%)
  4. Evidence that your program works which may include Screenshots, Photos, and video recording (10%).

You must submit your learning journal by 15:00 on 17 January 2022

A copy of your coursework submission may be made as part of the University of Brighton’s and School of Computing, Engineering & Mathematics procedures which aim to monitor and improve quality of teaching.  You should refer to your student handbook for details.

All work submitted must be your own (or your teams for an assignment which has been specified as a group submission) and all sources which do not fall into that category must be correctly attributed. The markers may submit the whole set of submissions to the JISC Plagiarism

Assessment marking criteria/rubric

Standard GEAR and CEM marking criteria will be applied. The criteria below indicate what is expected from this piece of work. If a similar feature (not mentioned here) is delivered/implemented, it will gain marks as appropriate.









Identify the basic elements in hardware development tools for embedded platforms. Lab tasks

Exceptionally clear and detailed explanation addressing alternative development tools

Clear and detailed explanation demonstrating some independent research

Clear explanations showing good depth of understanding of the supplied development tools

Adequate explanation of the main elements of the supplied development tools

Explanation incomplete and lacking detail

Little evidence of successful engagement

Develop real-time application programs using a range of programming techniques and tools. Lab tasks

All programming tasks completed and documented to an exceptionally high standard demonstrating a high degree of originality

All programming tasks completed and documented to a good standard

All programming tasks attempted, most completed successfully with clear documentation. 

Most programming tasks attempted at least half completed successfully.  Some evidence of research

Few tasks completed successfully.  Little evidence of research

Few or no tasks completed successfully.  Little evidence of successful engagement









Assessment Task


Task 1: Familiarisation.

In this task, you are requested to familiarise yourself with the Arduino environment.


  1. Obtain an Arduino Mega or Uno Board and connect it to the PC.
  2. From the computing, programmes select Arduino program.
  3. Activate the Arduino environment.
  4. From the drop, menu select, the Arduino board type from the Tools drop-down menu. (The Board used is Arduino Mega)
  5. From the same drop-down Menu select the COM port that communicates with the board.
  6. From File drop menu choose the “Example” and choose the “Digital” and choose the programme “Blink”
  7. Upload the program and go through the compilation process
  8. Upload the program and run it on the Arduino Board.
  9. You should see an LED Blinking on the Board.
  10. You can also use a Breadboard and link it up with the board and use an LED to see it Flashing
  11. Increase the number of lights to three and switch them serially. You need to modify the program to do this.


Task 2: Traffic light Simulation using ‘C’ language

In this lab activity, you are requested to simulate a real traffic light environment using the procedural language ‘C’.

Take the following steps to implement the required task:

  • Obtain an Arduino Uno or Mega Board and connect it to the PC.
  • From the computing, programmes select Arduino program.
  • Using a graphical package, develop and draw a flowchart of a simple four-phase traffic light.

Part 1

Create a programme in “C” to simulate the four-phase traffic light and test its functionality.

 Figure 1 - four-phase traffic lights


Write a function to control each of the traffic lights E.g. void TrafficLight1 (int red, int amber, int green);

                                     I.          Use the serial port to simulate the pedestrian pressing the button

                                   II.          Both sets of traffic lights should be red for pedestrians to cross safely.

                                  III.          The pedestrian green LED should flash as a warning that the main lights are about to start up

                                  IV.          The main lights should sequence to and from pedestrian crossing mode in a safe and tidy sequence.

                                   V.          The state of the lights should be written to the serial port: 
E.g. L1 = ON, ON, OFF   L2 = OFF, ON, OFF      PED = ON, OFF means traffic light 1 is RED/AMBER, traffic light 2 is AMBER, a pedestrian crossing is RED

Part 2

  1. Modify the developed algorithm and produce a new flowchart to provide a solution for the operation of a junction with four ‘four-phase’ traffic lights.


  1. Implement the modified algorithm and a program in “C” to show its operation.

Part 3

  1. Modify the flowchart for the Junction and provide a new flowchart which provides a pedestrian crossing by using two LED red and green for each junction on either side of the road.
  2. Write a “C” program to implement the flowchart.

Task 3: Implementing Sorting algorithm using ‘C’

In this lab activity, you are requested to develop and apply two different sort algorithms to an array of fifty random numbers to sort them in ascending or descending order by writing a program using the procedural language ‘C’ to implement the algorithm. Comment on the efficiency of the algorithm used in terms of execution time.



  1. Obtain an Arduino Uno or Mega Board and connect it to the PC.
  2. From the computing, programmes select Arduino program.
  3. Draw a flowchart of an algorithm which sorts the array in ascending or descending order. The numbers are in the range of 0 to 255.
  4. The highest and the lowest numbers in the array should be displayed using eight L.E.Ds.
  5. The sorted array should be displayed on the serial monitor using a pointer.
  6. The sorting function should be triggered by keyboard input from the serial monitor.
  7. The numbers should be randomly generated.



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