Evaluate partnerships and address barriers to successful collaboration

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Function B2

Work collaboratively across agencies and boundaries to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities

B2 is about achieving more in public health by working collaboratively with other organisations and agencies, across sectoral and other boundaries.  This could be in situations where public health workers have a recognised lead role, or where they have no direct authority.  This requires several skills, particularly interpersonal eg: negotiation; influencing; mediation; diplomacy; facilitation. Collaborative arrangements may need to be sustainable or timelimited, depending on purpose eg: sharing of resources; problem solving; planning or implementing wide-spread change; coordinating rather than duplicating efforts; clarifying responsibilities and lines of accountability in the system.


Influence and coordinate other organisations and agencies to increase their engagement with health and wellbeing, ill-health

prevention and health inequalities

advocating and encouraging organisational buy-in from internal and external colleagues through an understanding of their impact on the public’s health, raising their awareness of the contributions they can make to the public health endeavour



Build alliances and partnerships to plan and implement programmes and services that share goals and priorities

identifying opportunities for harnessing the added value gained where organisations and agencies have a shared interest or commitment or are working to a common agenda.  This will require the development of mutually beneficial working arrangements and relationships to combine efforts and resources, and may require positive efforts to ensure that those who have greatest needs, or are seldom heard have opportunities to engage with alliances





Evaluate partnerships and address barriers to successful collaboration

establishing what is working well and what is not in any given partnership or collaboration; identifying barriers to progress, and establishing whether, and how they might be overcome; or disbanding or re-defining partnerships that take up resources, yet fail to add value


Function B4

Work within political and democratic systems and with a range of organisational cultures to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities

B4 is about the political and democratic processes that impact on the delivery of health, social care and other services. These impact either directly or indirectly on public health workers depending on their employing organisation.  Political aspects could be party political (national or local) -parliamentary activity, public service policy, national legislation, election cycles. This domain is also about the dynamics (which can be nuanced) within, between and outside organisations and individuals.  Democratic systems include the accountability and scrutiny that comes with public funds sourced through taxation, and the community voice and empowerment enabled by it. 


Work to understand, and help others to understand, political

and democratic processes that can be used to support health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities

identifying the levers and opportunities presented through a political and democratic system of governance, that can be used to positive effect by individuals, groups, communities and organisations, to promote the public’s health, or to address those issues that pose a threat to the public’s health 




Operate within the decision making, administrative and reporting processes that support political and democratic


understanding the administrative structures and processes within national and local government organisations, that are in place to ensure accountability for public assets and resources; to uphold the rights of the local electorate; and to service the needs of the populations and communities for whom such organisations are responsible


Function C1

Provide leadership to drive improvement in health outcomes and the reduction of health inequalities

C1 is about the activities associated with leadership in relation to different groups, situations, settings and intentions. All leadership stems from the ability to drive one’s own actions and conduct.  This area then describes action to lead and manage others; change; systems; and finally around setting strategic vision and establishing collective buy-in and ownership. The descriptors here are enacted in the contexts described under functions B1-B4 ie: they relate to strategic planning, collaborative working, working through contracts, and in political and democratic landscapes, enabling the delivery of all of the functions identified in AREA A (Technical).


Act with integrity, consistency and purpose, and continue my own personal development

leading self: making full use of development opportunities, reflecting on experiences, being aware of professional/role boundaries and obligations, and demonstrating exemplary behaviours


Engage others, build relationships, manage conflict, encourage contribution and sustain commitment to deliver shared objectives

leading others: through the development of positive relationships, establishing a sense of shared purpose, commitment and reward, whether part of a line management process, or through the engagement of workers from other departments, or external agencies




Adapt to change, manage uncertainty, solve problems, and align clear goals with lines of accountability in complex and unpredictable environments

leading change: demonstrating resilience in times of change, flexing to environmental pressures while remaining faithful to clear objectives, and within an agreed accountability structure to ensure direction is not lost through change, or is adapted by design rather than default

Function C2

Communicate with others to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities

C2 includes the range of communication methods and technologies used by the public health workforce, to engage with all audiences, from lay to professional.  The actions described here deliver on other functional areas eg:

communicating data and intelligence (A1); behaviour change messages and community engagement (A2); reporting risks and outbreaks (A3): communicating the implications of new evidence (A4); communicating decisions around changes to service delivery (A5/B3); proposing spend on new services and initiatives (B4/C4). 


Manage public perception and convey key messages using a range of media processes

understanding the influence and impact that the media can have on the public’s perception of health risks (either helpfully or un-helpfully) and working through different forms of media to communicate health messages appropriately, targeting different audiences. For high volume, or adverse risk events, this may require public health authorities/agencies to work with other agencies to exert influence over media organisations to inform the timing and content of their reporting



Communicate sometimes complex information and concepts (including health outcomes, inequalities and life expectancy) to a diversity of

audiences using different methods

using a range of communication methods to provide or present information and data that might be difficult to understand, or which might vary according to different situations or events, for both professional and lay audiences, in a way that is understandable to them.  This requires changes to the way the information might be communicated or presented, depending on the audience – even if the overall message is the same




Practising professionally, ethically and legally


Comply with statutory legislation and practice requirements in your area Of work


Use an ethical approach in your area of work, identifying ethical dilemmas or issues arising and how you address them.


Act in ways that promote equality and diversity.


Act in ways that value people as individuals.


Act within the limits of your competence, seeking advice when needed.


Continually develop own practice by reflecting on your behaviour and role, identifying where you could make improvements.


Contribute to the development and improvement of others’ public health practice.



Collaborating across organisations and boundaries to deliver the public health function

6.1 (P)

Show how organisations, teams and individuals work in partnership to deliver the public health function.

6.2 (P)

Demonstrate how you work collaboratively with other organisations to improve public health.



Planning, implementing and evaluating public health

programmes and projects

7.5 (P)

Demonstrate project management skills in planning or implementing a public health intervention





Professionalism in public health practice


You must be competent in all aspects of your work as a public health professional and retain your competence throughout your working life. 

It is first and foremost a personal responsibility to maintain your professional competence and performance. You can do this through regular participation in continuing professional development (CPD); reflection on practice; and such forms of appraisal, personal development planning and revalidation as apply to you and your work.


You must recognise and work within the limits of your competence, seeking further advice and consulting with colleagues where this is required. 

There is clearly a responsibility on your managers and/or commissioners not to require you to work beyond your limits of competence. However, the ultimate decision not to act (in order not to risk public harm) is for you to make: you are expected to say no if necessary. You must be familiar with guidelines and developments that affect your work.


You must practise within ethical, legal and regulatory limits that apply to your area of public health practice. 

Where aspects of public health practice are governed by law or regulated by other statutory codes of practice, you are expected to observe these and keep up to date with changes that may affect your practice.


You are expected to improve and develop your practice continuously. 

Accessing educational, training, mentoring and audit opportunities and reflecting on how these will improve your practice is a key element of professional improvement. You are expected to participate in regular appraisal, continuous professional development and revalidation as appropriate to your professional background.


You must be able to receive and act upon feedback on your practice and performance, both positive and negative. 

Where concerns have been raised in relation to your practice you have a professional responsibility to address these and cooperate with any related investigations. Where positive and constructive feedback is given, you should reflect on how to respond.


You must take care to delegate responsibility to others safely.

Where a task or area of work is delegated by you to someone else, you must be satisfied that the person to whom you delegate has the qualifications, experience, knowledge and skills to complete the task required. You retain overall management responsibility through delegation of the task; people to whom you delegate will be accountable for their own decisions and actions.


You must keep records of important decisions, actions and consequences.

You have a personal responsibility to keep records: these should be clear, accurate, secure and contemporaneous. Records should report the relevant findings, the decisions made, the process and who was involved, the information given to colleagues and the public, the resulting action and/or any follow-up. Documentation relating to your work should be held securely, shared appropriately, and accessible to others who may later need to refer back to it or may require access under legislation including the Freedom of Information Act. Any documentation that contains confidential information (including emails) should be held securely and should only be shared in line with organisational and national guidance on information governance.





You must plan and act in accordance with available evidence and use resources effectively and efficiently. You should ensure that any actions you take or recommendations that you make in the course of your work are based on a clear analysis of the available intelligence and evidence. You are expected to pay due regard to efficacy, and to effective use of resources across partnerships, including:

■■ Formulating policies and interventions only when you have adequate knowledge of the population’s health, and are satisfied that the policies and interventions serve the population’s needs

■■ Formulating effective policies and interventions based on the best available evidence

■■ Take steps to monitor, evaluate and review the impact of a given course of action where the evidence is unclear or does not exist.


You must be professional and ethical in your public health practice at all times.

You must not allow your personal views in regard to lifestyle choice, culture, belief system, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability, marital or parental status, age or social or economic status to affect negatively or to prejudice the professional services you provide or arrange. You must not refuse or delay action that is otherwise justified because you believe that an individual’s or population’s actions have contributed to their situation. You should challenge colleagues and partners if their behaviour does not comply with this guidance.

You must not express to individuals and groups you work with your personal beliefs, including political, religious or moral beliefs, in ways that exploit their vulnerability or that are likely to cause them distress.


You must make sure that you and other professionals are able to be professional and ethical in your and their public health practice.

You must take part in systems of quality assurance and quality improvement to promote safe systems and improved quality of your work. If you have management responsibilities, you should ensure that mechanisms are in place through which colleagues and partners can raise, in confidence, concerns about risks to the public. You must contribute to adverse event recognition and reporting systems. Those public health professionals with additional professional registrations should also pay due regard to relevant codes of conduct.


You must maintain financial rectitude in all your public health practice dealings.

You must make sure that the funds you manage and/ or receive for use in connection with your public health practice are used for the purpose for which they were intended. If you have responsibility for managing finance, you must ensure that there are processes in place to provide financial assurance and that these are followed.


You must declare any relevant commercial or financial conflicts of interests you may have.

In any professional setting where your sphere of influence could lead to an actual or a perceived beneficial financial or commercial advantage, you must be completely transparent and accountable in the decisions you make, and the decisions you withdraw from making. This includes keeping records and publishing these records to relevant audiences. It is essential that any relevant interests you have do not affect and are seen not to affect your professional judgement of standards of practice



Communication, partnership & teamwork

Collaborative working: organisational, community and individual


You must work in, and manage, partnerships and teams effectively and with due consideration of others.

Public health professionals will be expected to manage, develop and foster relationships with colleagues, across organisations, and with communities, the wider public and sometimes individual patients. Successful relationships depend on trust, openness, transparency and good communication. Elements of effective and successful relationships include: listening to and respecting the views of others; responding honestly; using accessible and appropriate language and media for the audience; understanding the implications of sharing information with wider audiences; and respecting confidentiality. When you are on duty you must always be readily accessible.


You must make sure that relevant information is shared.

This includes a duty of candour: you must ensure that information is not withheld, where it may affect a decision or course of action that would have an impact of health. When working with communities, information should be shared and sought in ways that is truthful and meaningful. Appropriate steps should be taken to ensure that all communities (including marginalised and minority groups) are able to: contribute to the design of services and interventions; co-produce interventions and services where appropriate; assist in identifying and utilising community assets effectively; and help monitor outcomes so as to protect health and improve health and wellbeing. It is a key principle of public health practice that you should work with and mobilise communities and individuals to facilitate and support them to develop solutions to address their health and wellbeing needs (including advocating for them where necessary) through community development models of practice.


You must make sure information to be shared is meaningful.

You must share with the public, in a way they can understand, the information they want or need to know about their health and health care and the health options available to them, including associated risks and uncertainties. You should respond to the public’s questions and keep them informed about the progress of interventions aimed at improving their health.


You must respect the right of people to decline to take part in interventions, initiatives, teaching or research even if it may be of benefit to them.

Respect for human rights, for freedom of choice and for the preferences individuals and groups may have is key to public health practice. Where you believe that individuals are making decisions harmful to their own (or others’) health and wellbeing: consider the effect on others; be sure to provide relevant information; leave the door open to reconsideration later; and return to the issue from time to time later. Consider if others within their community may be able to exercise helpful influence.


You must maintain your focus on the effectiveness of interventions.

Focus on health impacts of your professional contribution when designing, working on and evaluating interventions – including collaboratively across partnerships. Population-based and individualbased outcomes are at the core of the public health contribution. Where a given course of action has potential to increase health inequalities, public health professionals must highlight this, and where necessary advocate for actions that will avert any adverse impact.


You must treat colleagues, individuals and communities fairly and with respect. You must work collaboratively with colleagues, respecting their skills and contributions. You must not subject them to bullying or harassment, or unfairly discriminate against them by allowing your personal views to affect adversely your professional relationship with them. You should challenge colleagues if their behaviour does not comply with this guidance. Where colleagues are experiencing health or performance problems, you should be supportive of them. However, this support should not compromise or be at the expense of public safety.


You have a professional responsibility to support trainees and colleagues in your work environment, through formal supervision, formal and informal mentoring, and modelling professional public health practice. This includes providing honest and objective assessment of performance, and supporting trainees or staff you manage with appropriate levels of supervision. Be prepared to raise concerns about competence where unsatisfactory standards of practice are evident. Communities and the public may be put at risk if you confirm the competence of someone who has not met the required standard of practice.



Maintaining public trust: Probity and protecting the public


You must ensure at all times that your standards of practice justify the public’s trust in your work, and in the work of the wider public health profession. Probity is the cornerstone of good public health practice.  The components of probity are:

■■ Integrity: Put your service obligations above your personal interests

■■ Honesty: Be truthful and open

■■ Objectivity: Base advice and decisions on rigorous analysis of evidence

■■ Impartiality: Act solely according to the merits of a case without prejudice.


You must disclose professionally facts which may have a bearing on your professional performance.

You must always be honest about your experience, qualifications and position, particularly when applying for posts.

You must inform your regulator and professional body without delay if, anywhere in the world: you have accepted a caution; been charged with or found guilty of a criminal offence; or if another professional body has made a finding against your registration as a result of fitness to practise procedures. If you are suspended from a post (or have restrictions placed upon your practice) because of concerns about your standard of practice, performance or conduct, you must inform any other organisations for whom you undertake similar work. Independently of such organisations, you must also inform individuals, communities or populations that you work with, if the advice or services you provide are within the area of concern relating to the suspension or restriction.


You must be vigilant about issues concerning data confidentiality and data protection. When handling information about individuals or communities, you must ensure that information is handled in a sensitive way and confidentiality is maintained where required. This may include seeking the consent of individuals prior to sharing information. Exceptions to this may occur where there is a balance of greater risk to the population through non-disclosure. Such cases may require further specific clinical or legal advice.


You must respond to concerns and complaints.

You must be open and honest when things go wrong. Individuals or populations who raise concerns or complain about services they have received (or not received) have a right to expect a prompt and appropriate response. Your response should be constructive and honest and should include an explanation, and if necessary an apology. You should co-operate fully with any complaints procedure that applies to your (or a colleague’s) work. You must not allow an individual’s (or community’s) complaint to prejudice the advice you give, or interventions you may arrange for them.


You must respond to concerns and complaints.

 You must be open and honest when things go wrong. Individuals or populations who raise concerns or complain about services they have received (or not received) have a right to expect a prompt and appropriate response. Your response should be constructive and honest and should include an explanation, and if necessary an apology. You should co-operate fully with any complaints procedure that applies to your (or a colleague’s) work. You must not allow an individual’s (or community’s) complaint to prejudice the advice you give, or interventions you may arrange for them.


You must be honest and trustworthy when writing reports, and when completing or signing references, forms, reports and other documents.

You must do your best to make sure that any documents you write or sign are not false or misleading. This means that you must take reasonable steps to verify the information in the documents, and that you must not deliberately leave out relevant information. If you have agreed to prepare a report, complete or sign a document or provide evidence, you must do so without unreasonable delay


You must co-operate with legitimate requests for information from official organisations monitoring public health.

As a general rule, you should respond to requests for information from official sources with due regard to your duty not to disclose confidential information without consent. However, there are situations where the official request for information may override your duty of confidentiality. In cases of doubt or uncertainty, you should seek professional and/or legal advice before responding to any part of a request where confidentiality is an issue.

You must disclose to anyone entitled to ask for it any information relevant to an investigation into your own (or a colleague’s) conduct, performance or health. You must co-operate fully with any formal inquiry into the treatment of a patient or the public, and with any complaints procedure that applies to your work. You must take part in and/or contribute to confidential inquiries and critical incident reporting, to help reduce the risk to communities and the public. You must assist a coroner or procurator fiscal in an inquest or inquiry by responding to their enquiries and by offering all relevant information. You are entitled to remain silent only when your evidence may lead to criminal proceedings being taken against you.

If you are asked to give evidence or act as a witness in litigation or formal inquiries, you must be honest in all your spoken and written statements. You must make clear the limits of your knowledge or competence.






An individual’s capacity to adapt effectively to situations of cultural diversity (Earley & Ang 2003:) and hence, depicts the capacity to seamlessly make the transition across multiple cultures as opposed to just a single or few cultures (Ng et al 2012). Culture should be read in this instance in its broadest sense, to include engagements with race, gender, ethnicity, age, disability, religion & belief and sexuality.



Cognition is the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. Therefore cognitive intelligence is one’s abilities to learn, remember, reason, solve problems, and make sound judgments (APA 2020). This is manifested through the acquisition of knowledge and skills in order to successfully engage with non-routine problem solving, critical thinking and systems-thinking. 



The confident adoption of new devices, applications, software and services and the capacity to stay up to date with ICT as it evolves. The capacity to deal with problems and failures of ICT when they occur, and to design and implement ICT solutions



An Individual`s capacity to demonstrate awareness of inner feelings and ability to regulate emotions and behaviour in contextually appropriate ways. Social and Emotional intelligence are overlapping constructs (Mayer and Salovey, 1993), largely defined around an individual’s ability to be aware of and capable to regulate one’s own and other’s feelings and emotions in the moment



An individual`s capacity to achieve a high level of understanding of their body and mind and learning to influence how they think, feel, speak and behave. Therefore, providing the confidence to manage and respond to the opportunities and challenges of everyday life for health, learning, and career gain



An individual’s exposure to the professional environment, building of professional knowledge, skills and understanding through a range of activities and engagements in, about and briefed by our industry partners. 



Students prepare for, engage in and reflect on mutually beneficially interactions with our communities

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