1 Demonstrate capacity to participate effectively in professional roles

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Assignment Brief: BMGT2220 Unlocking Organisational Potential 2021-22


Assignment 002

Scenario Planning & Leadership

Word Limit or equivalent

2000 words equivalent



Learning Outcomes Assessed

  1. Demonstrate capacity to participate effectively in professional roles
  2. Deconstruct, diagnose and analyse team performance in organisations
  3. Critique organisational activity and embed value-oriented ethical, sustainable practices using leadership mediums

Submission date

6th May 2022 by 15.00hrs

Feedback date

All assignment feedback will be issued on the 20th working day following the submission deadline. Feedback will be released on: 30th May 2022


If anything about this assignment is not clear to you, please contact your module leader.

What do I need to do to make a success of this assignment?

 There are 2 parts to this assessment:

Part A – Scenario Planning Diagram

Part B – Leadership Critique

Part A – Scenario Planning

25% weighting - submission 6th May 2022 (or 7th March 2022 for early submission)

What do I need to do to complete this part of the assessment?

Create a scenario planning diagram showing the 4 strategic choices facing your chosen company or industry, including what is likely to happen in each scenario and the early warning signs of change.

Scenario planning requires the development of 4 different possible scenarios that could come to life in the future for an organisation or industry. This can help with ‘blue sky thinking’ and subsequent organisational/industry planning.

The scenarios are linked through the selected axes. Scenarios then develop from these intersections to show possible strategic directions that may become a reality for your chosen company or industry.


Part B – Leadership Critique (1000 words)

25% weighting - submission 6th May 2022

What do I need to do to complete this part of the assessment?

Choosing one of the identified scenarios in Part A, critically evaluate the role of leadership in successfully driving forward this strategic direction for sustainable success.

In completing this part of the assessment, you should critically analyse the appropriate leadership approach needed in the chosen scenario and identify tensions and challenges that may arise, as well as possible measures of success. You should consider the leader-member exchange – the relationship with the team/followers/wider stakeholders - plus the impact of this on organisational/industry future sustainability.  





How should I present my work?



Part A – Scenario Planning

The scenario planning diagram is a one-page diagram with text / symbols / pictures as appropriate – equivalent to 1000 words. Use one of the scenario planning templates in Blackboard or design one of your own. The diagram can be created using PowerPoint, Word, Publisher or other software programme of your choice.

Part B – Leadership Critique

The leadership critique is a written narrative of 1000 words on the role of the leader in successfully navigating the strategic direction of your choice.

Uploading Format - Parts A & B

Both parts must be combined into one file to upload for submission if not using the early submission opportunity.


Please use the University Harvard referencing system. Support is available through the library www.worc.ac.uk/library/guides/study-skills/referencing



How can I obtain guidance on my assignment?


You will receive formative feedback in the 3 coaching sessions – weeks 16, 19 and 24. You can bring a draft with you to these sessions to receive peer and tutor feedback ahead of the submission deadlines. We strongly advise you use these sessions to enable you to access feedback to help you develop your work.

All assignment feedback will be issued on the 20th working day following the submission deadline - for Assessment 2 this is on 30th May 2022.

If you submit Part A via early submission by 7th March 2022, you will receive formal feedback in the Coaching Session teaching week commencing 7th March 2022.

In addition to formal assignment feedback, you will receive feedback during lectures and seminars to help you improve your learning. This feedback may be provided from a variety of activities e.g., tutor-to-student meetings, group and/or class discussions, group activities, etc.



How and when do I hand my assignment in?



Your work must be word-processed/typed and should clearly show your student number.  You should submit your work by the 3pm deadline on 6th May 2022. on You should submit your work to Blackboard which is available via MyDay. You are required to keep a copy of work handed in.

See the University’s guide to uploading and submitting assessment items via Blackboard: https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Student

If you have issues with Blackboard or Turnitin you will need to contact tel@worc.ac.uk



How will my assignment be marked?

Specific marking criteria for your assignment is provided in the Grading Matrix within this document.

You are strongly advised to check your completed work against the Grading Matrix to ensure have completed all areas required before you submit it.

You should also ensure you adhere to the word limit / word count stated in your assessment brief document, details of which can be found in the University’s Assessment Policy http://www.worc.ac.uk/aqu/documents/AssessmentPolicy.pdf




Grading Matrix for BMGT2220 Unlocking Organisational Potential Assessment 002


This matrix captures the assessment criteria for this part of the coursework.


Student Number/Name:


Academic Year and Semester:


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate capacity to participate effectively in professional roles
  2. Deconstruct, diagnose and analyse team performance in organisations
  3. Critique organisational activity and embed value-oriented ethical, sustainable practices using leadership mediums

Module Code:


Assignment No/Weighting:


Module Title:

Unlocking Organisational Potential

Assessment Title:



Assessment Criteria



Scenario Planning Diagram


Leadership Critique


Scholarly & Presentation

(2 x 5%)



Exceptional communication/ presentation skills, appropriate to audience, and demonstrating excellent ability in relation to accuracy, clarity and judgement in conveying understanding and meaning. Exceptional demonstration of relevant technical/ creative/ transferable skills in managing and developing own learning and making decisions in complex contexts.



The organisational scenarios are original, highly detailed demonstrating extensive understanding of the internal and/or external pressures at play. There are excellent creative insights into the possible alternative directions of the organisation. The diagram is imaginatively produced to make an intriguing and compelling set of scenarios



Exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge together with very strong clear independent critically evaluative understanding. Significant ability to construct and sustain evidence-based arguments, through excellent synthesis and critical interpretation of scholarly reviews and/or primary evidence. Authoritative grasp of disciplinary concepts and analysis to issues and problems.



The leadership critique is excellent and demonstrates deep learning and subsequent understanding of the topic. The leadership debate is consistently aligned to the chosen organisational scenario. The debate shows extensive knowledge of the impact and tensions of leadership in driving organisational performance including the effect on the followers.


Goes well beyond what is taught in reading/researching and use of academic sources and references to inform independent insight and understanding.




Accurate, clear, concise and correct Harvard method used for all references drawn from a range of high-quality sources. Research is evaluated and structured to support the whole work. High quality expression and presentation.




Very good communication/ presentation skills, appropriate to audience to convey meaning, demonstrating strong competence, accuracy, clarity and judgement. Very good demonstration of relevant technical/ creative/ transferable skills in managing and developing own learning and making decisions in relatively complex contexts.


The organisational scenarios are original, detailed demonstrating full understanding of the internal and/or external pressures at play. There are good creative insights into the possible direction of the organisation. The diagram is well crafted to make an intriguing and interesting set of scenarios.



Knowledge demonstrates thorough depth and breadth of learning together with independent critically evaluative understanding. Arguments logically constructed, coherent and evidence-based on synthesis of scholarly review of a range of academic sources and critical insight. Ability to relate facts/disciplinary concepts together and apply good disciplinary analysis to issues and problems.



The leadership critique is very good and demonstrates considerable understanding of the topic. The leadership debate is aligned to the chosen organisational scenario. The debate shows wide ranging knowledge of the impact and tensions of leadership in driving organisational performance including the effect on the followers, but this is less well developed than an ‘A’ grade.


Evidence of insight in selection and use of material to go beyond what is taught



Accurate, clear, concise and correct Harvard method used for all references drawn from a range of quality sources. Research is evaluated and structured to support most of work. Good quality expression and presentation.




Communication/ presentation of information/ evidence to convey understanding and meaning demonstrates competence, accuracy and clarity. Sound demonstration of relevant technical/ creative/ transferable skills outside of areas in which first studied.


The organisational scenarios are good demonstrating sound understanding of the internal and/or external pressures at play but could be more detailed. There are good insights into possible directions of the organisation, but these could be wider ranging or imaginative. The diagram is produced well and provides an interesting set of scenarios.



Knowledge demonstrates good depth and breadth of learning together with emerging independent critically evaluative understanding. Logically constructed coherent argument, using scholarly review of academic sources, with some insight but possible weaknesses in structure/evidence. Responses are relevant to subject matter and show evidence of disciplinary analysis albeit with some limitations.



The leadership critique is good and demonstrates understanding of the topic. The leadership debate is aligned to the chosen organisational scenario overall, but this could be more consistent in places. The debate shows knowledge of the impact and tensions of leadership in driving organisational performance, but these insights could be strengthened. Some inclusion of the wider impact such as followers but again this could be increased to create more depth of insight.


Good breadth of understanding of taught content and set reading/ references



Mostly accurate, clear, concise and correct Harvard method used for all references drawn from a limited range of high-quality academic sources. Research is partly presented and may be unstructured. Some expression issues and possible presentation errors.




Competent accurate communication/ presentation of information/ evidence to convey understanding, possibly with some minor weaknesses. Adequate demonstration of application of relevant technical/ creative/ transferable skills outside of areas in which first studied.



The organisational scenarios are quite basic and lack the breadth or depth of understanding of the internal and/or external pressures at play. The insights into possible directions of the organisation are satisfactory but could be much improved. The diagram is not very clearly presented and lacks intrigue and interest


Knowledge sufficient to demonstrate sound learning with some standard critically evaluative understanding.  Logically constructed coherent argument, using scholarly review of academic sources, with some insight but possible weaknesses in structure/evidence. Responses are relevant to subject matter but balanced towards descriptive rather analytical.



There is an understanding of the role of the leader in organisations, but this is quite generalised and lacks criticality. There is a sense of the organisational context, but this is quite vague and lacks specificity. There is little consideration of wider impacts such as followers. The critique is limited.


Relies on adequate selection of set materials/standard readings and references



Inconsistent Harvard method used for references and/or references drawn from more general sources as opposed to high-quality academic sources. Basic research is partly presented and may be unstructured. A number of expression issues and presentation errors.




Communication is inaccurate, incomplete or otherwise problematic in conveying understanding. Weak evidence of relevant skills development or application.



The diagram is not well designed and doesn’t demonstrate the necessary understanding of scenario planning and/or the organisational context to meet the learning outcome.



Weak or insufficient knowledge and understanding to demonstrate effective learning. Argument/ explanation is weak and poorly constructed, and/or unsubstantiated. Little evidence of ability to apply disciplinary conceptual understanding.



There is a lack of critique of leadership and/or this does not take account of the organisational context. The work does not demonstrate enough understanding of the topic to meet the pass grade. 


Limited evidence of use of set materials/relevant academic sources and references



Inaccurate Harvard method referencing and/or poor-quality references. Weak, if any research is presented and is unstructured. Many expression issues and presentation errors.



Communication is inaccurate, incomplete or otherwise problematic in conveying understanding. Weak evidence of relevant skills development or application.



The diagram is not well designed and doesn’t demonstrate the necessary understanding of scenario planning and/or the organisational context to meet the learning outcome.




Weak or insufficient knowledge and understanding to demonstrate effective learning. Argument/ explanation is weak and poorly constructed, and/or unsubstantiated. Little evidence of ability to apply disciplinary conceptual understanding.



There is a lack of critique of leadership and/or this does not take account of the organisational context. The work does not demonstrate enough understanding of the topic to meet the pass grade.  


Limited evidence of use of set materials/relevant academic sources and references



Inaccurate Harvard method referencing and/or poor-quality references. Weak, if any research is presented and is unstructured. Many expression issues and presentation errors.



Very poor communication indicating incoherence and/or seriously incomplete understanding. Seriously lacking in evidence of skills development or application.



The diagram is not well designed and doesn’t demonstrate the necessary understanding of scenario planning and/or the organisational context to meet the learning outcome.



Very poor knowledge and understanding indicating ineffective learning. Very poor argument/ explanation, lacking in logic and/or unsubstantiated. Very limited disciplinary conceptual understanding evidenced.



There is a lack of critique of leadership and/or this does not take account of the organisational context. The work does not demonstrate enough understanding of the topic to meet the pass grade.



Very little evidence of set materials/ relevant academic sources and references



Inaccurate Harvard method referencing and/or poor-quality references. Weak, if any research is presented and is unstructured. Many expression issues and presentation errors.

H / NS


Very poor communication indicating incoherence and/or seriously incomplete understanding. Seriously lacking in evidence of skills development or application.



The diagram is not well designed and doesn’t demonstrate the necessary understanding of scenario planning and/or the organisational context to meet the learning outcome.


Very poor knowledge and understanding indicating ineffective learning. Very poor argument/ explanation, lacking in logic and/or unsubstantiated. Very limited disciplinary conceptual understanding evidenced.



There is a lack of critique of leadership and/or this does not take account of the organisational context. The work does not demonstrate enough understanding of the topic to meet the pass grade. 


Very little evidence of set materials/ relevant academic sources and references



Inaccurate Harvard method referencing and/or poor-quality references. Weak, if any research is presented and is unstructured. Many expression issues and presentation errors.



Feedback on your assignment.

Please review this feedback and use it to develop your work in your next assignment in this and your other modules. If anything is unclear, please ask the marker.

Aspects done well and why:


Aspects for improvement and why:


Development for future assignments:


How successful completion of this assignment helps your employability and achievement of graduate attributes:


Working in teams is central to workplace success. Whilst leadership in organisations has traditionally been focused through key players, the speed of change and need to collaborate now means that individual leadership, influence and persuasion are key to individual and organisational success.


This assessment enables you to investigate the role of leaders, the appropriateness of different approaches and the impact on the wider stakeholder group and ultimately overall organisational performance.


Grade awarded:







* This person is responsible for moderating a sample of student work for this module. Your work may, or may not, have been included in this sample.


□ I do not want my work to be used anonymously to help future students



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